Summer Child - Conan Gray

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TW- swearing, suicidal thoughts, mention of self-harm, abuse, and trauma.

A/N: the parts in this that a cant spell that dont begin and end with quotation marks are thoughts, if they do have quotation marks theyre lyrics. Enjoy and read only if you can handle the warnings, mental health is much more important than a story!

"You see all the flowers in the weeds"

My family wasn't exactly rich, but we weren't in poverty neither. When I was seven, I was obsessed with flowers. My mum added a garden to the backyard, where we had flowers and some weeds mixing together but still looking beautiful.

"You're scared of the dark when you sleep"

I walked back inside and into my bedroom. My friends always joked around with me because I still sleep with a stuffed animal and night light. Even though i'm turning eighteen this year, i'm still scared of the dark. Not because of the reason most toddlers are scared of the dark, but it's because of my dad.

"You cover up your arms with your sleeves, even in hundred-degree heat"

My father is the reason I started my self-harm addiction. I wanted more of that pain, but I inflicted it upon myself this time. I couldn't let my friends and family see though, I guess i'm screwed if a heat wave comes in. It'll take forever for these scars to fade, and for my addiction to stop.

"Your father was awfully mean"

My dad was abusive, but he wouldn't hit me just to hear me cry like he's some kinky pscho. He'd wait until my mum and I were asleep, that's also why i'm still scared of the dark. I'm scared he's there, watching where I can't see.

"Your favourite colour is green"

I started getting dressed to go out, well I don't really know where i'm going. Most of my sweaters were a yellowy green colour, my favourite. My shoes were green, most of my sweaters, hell even my phone case is a sage green colour. There's a reason I like the colour so much though...

"It reminds you of the summer you turned three, runnin' through sprinklers on your street"

My parent's were kinder when I was younger. They treated me like an actual kid. My mum and dad used to take me on walks, we'd laugh, pet dogs, roll down hills, run in sprinklers. That was my favourite thing to do, run in sprinklers. I don't know why I loved it, I just did.

I walked outside, down the same sidewalk my parents used to hold my hand on fifteen years ago. Now my mum's too busy and my dad thinks i'm gay so he doesn't talk to me, a "sinner" is all I am to him.

I ran into someone from not paying attention, it was Noah. We didn't know what we were, we kiss a lot but we weren't really dating. I invited him to walk with me to a park nearby, he nodded and walked beside me.

"And you laugh and you dance in the wind"

After a few minutes, Noah and I arrived at the park. It started raining and getting windy, but the rain's fun, so it's okay. Noah was complaining while holding my hand, his were warm and slightly bigger than mine. I got an idea and ran into the parking area, pulling Noah with me.

"Noah, dance with me!" I said while grabbing his other hand and jumping around. He raised an eyebrow and started laughing, making me laugh aswell while dancing around.

"And you sway and you hug and you kiss"

"Cody, i'm not dancing-" Noah said while smiling and laughing at how embarrassing I looked. A seventeen year old boy, in a parking lot to a park no one ever went to, in the rain with wind blowing my wet hair, dancing with a boy laughing and smiling at how ridiculous I looked.

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