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This is a chapter that is used as an apology for our inactivity, the events in this chapter can be imagined as canon.

This is written by both Rae and Breffie, also known as B43FF13 .



Enoshima Y/n spends time with Kugisaki Nobara in the form of shopping with her!

Enoshima Y/n spends time with Kugisaki Nobara in the form of shopping with her!

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  ENOSHIMA sat in her dorm, their room unexpectantly clean. Their bed creaked as they moved, and they looked at therself in a pocket mirror. Their hands tightly gripping the little thing, it threatening to fall apart any second.

They stared at their reflection, a shadow cast over their face as they glared at themself. They grit their teeth in anger and frustration, that was until the door burst open.

A ginger-haired girl the cause of the ordeal, Y/n quickly whipped their head toward the girl, shock written over their face. Kugisaki had a wide smile on her face, she trotted over to the fashionista as they stared at her in confusion.

Kugisaki took a hold of Enoshima's hands, putting away the pocket mirror that they still held. " Go shopping with me! " The ginger exclaimed, her nose almost touching the fashionista's nose.

They paused for a moment, considering the offer before their face broke out into a wide grin that matched Kugisaki's. " Puhuhu, I'll never pass up looking more fashionable! "

Kugisaki let go of the fashionista's hands and started jumping around the room in excitement as Enoshima gritted their teeth in annoyance, the ginger didn't seem to notice Y/n's displeased face at the moment.

Nobara turned to the fashionista with a smile on her face, she gave a short apology before speaking. " Can we go now?! " The girl asked excitedly and Enoshima nodded as they got up and walked over to Kugisaki.

" I'll grab my bag. " They said, a sudden British accent taking over her voice leaving the ginger standing there with dotted eyes. Nobara shook her head quickly to get rid of the confusion that she felt.

The Enoshima took their bag, the bag was obviously expensive, purchased using the money that they got from modeling in magazines. Kugisaki's eyes shined as she saw the bag, she moved closer to Y/n and interview their hands before running out of the dorm, dragging Y/n behind.

Fushiguro and Itadori only stared at the odd pair as the two ran off, well more like Kugisaki ran and Enoshima got dragged. Itadori turned to the black-haired teen, pointing at the two. " No. " Fushiguro answered with a stern tone.

 THE TWO HAD been in two stores so far, spending an hour in one store before moving to the next one

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THE TWO HAD been in two stores so far, spending an hour in one store before moving to the next one. The two already had a few bags as the things that the two purchased couldn't fit into one bag.

" Haha! You're right, Nobara-Chan! Both Itadori and Fushiguro have absolutely no taste in fashion! " Enoshima said, agreeing with Nobara's previous statement, her voice was now louder and had a more chaotic taste to it.

The ginger stared at them as they spoke, a smile adorned her face as light pink dusted her cheeks, having the fashionista now calling her by her first name was a nice feeling, one that made her have butterflies.

" W-well, of course, I'm right, Y/n-Chan! Have you seen those two? How about we get some ice cream? " Nobara pointed at an ice cream stand, as Y/n followed her finger.

They shrugged and took Nobara's hand, a bored look now projecting itself onto their face as they walked towards the stand. " What flavor do you want? " They asked, turning to Nobara with a smile on their face.

The owner of the stand was quite frightened by the fashionista's quick attitude change, the owner stood there wearing his colorful outfit with sweat rolling down his face.

" Uh, I'd like...— " The ginger looked at the flavors, scanning over the labels. " — two scoops of the watermelon flavor. " She said looking at the owner who nodded before turning to the fashionista.

" Strawberry. " They answered simply, holding up one finger to insinuate that they want one scoop. The owner nodded and scooped the watermelon ice cream first, he handed the ice cream to Nobara who was smiling like a child before handing Enoshima their ice cream.

They paid the owner, and walked off with Nobara, grinning and holding hands with the girl. ' are those two dating or what...? ' The owner of the ice cream stand thought, his back slunched as he watched the two walk off happily.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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