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Porchay had been absolutely ruined for months now. The kind of ruined that drained his mood completely and trapped him in his room. His thoughts were completely engulfed with leather jackets and the strumming of a guitar.

When he was younger, Chay felt invincible behind the four walls of his home. In recent years, that innocent hope was demolished. He was hurt both mentally and physically in the comfort of his own home, both because of the same family. He should abhor the Theerapanyakul family, they took everything from him. His dear brother, his safety and now his heart.

The incessant silence that filled the surroundings was almost physically painful. Porchay was never the type of person to relish in isolation, he needed people around him to function. The reason he got out of his bed and into school on Monday was because he was tired of the solitary confinement and loneliness. He tried his best to appear somewhat normal as he followed his daily routine.

Regardless, he still looked awful with visible dark bags under his eyes and his downturned lips. He had accepted his fate as he grabbed his bookbag and headed to school.

"Chay!" A familiar chatty voice called out from behind him. Catching up to the skinny boy, Macau put his arm around Porchays shoulders and pulled him into a side hug.

"We missed you last week, where have you been?" Macau asked.

"I was sick." Porchay answered simply.

"You should've sent me a message, I would've brought you something or stayed with you." Macau replied, "I was going to stop by your place today to see if you were alright...Are you feeling okay now?"

Macau was so sweet, Porchay wished he could have fallen in love with someone like him, someone safe and familiar.

For the first time in the past week, Chay let out a small smile, "I'll be alright, Cau. Just stay by my side."

Macau could tell something was wrong. Normally Porchay would laugh at the boy's concern and call him lame. Today was different, he wasn't talkative or smiling, he was distant and sad. The boy decided not to press into the matter until he opened up himself.

"Where else would I go?" Macau murmured.


first chapter!! i love macau and chay's friendship sm <3 i hope you enjoy and pls let me know what you think!!

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