Sweetest Help •Ellie Roebuck•

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If there's one thing that grates me the wrong way, it's men that don't understand that you're not interested. And that is what was happening currently as I was trying to enjoy the music that was booming through the speakers in the club.

Taking a weekend trip to the northwest, was a spontaneous idea suggested by Chloe. Sophie and I just agreed , which meant we left Y/HT (your home town) this morning, and was now currently dancing in a random club in Manchester. The catchy beat of 'Maneater' by Nelly Furtado playing loud enough that I could feel the beat in my chest; we found ourselves on the dance floor, enjoying the old school music that I grew up listening to. Me and my two best friends dancing together, set me free, as we laughed and strutted on the floor as if we were in a music video, embarrassing ourselves without a care in the world.

Simply three girls enjoying being in their twenties, making the most of our youthfulness - which we would soon regret in the morning. Hangovers were no joke kids. But the fun was soon disrupted, as I felt rough hands touch my waist. It was the type of touch that made you shiver in discomfort.

Swiftly turning around, I came face to face with a man who appeared to be in his early 20's. Long, floppy hair covered his hazed eyes, he had clearly been enjoying something more than just alcohol. The lazy grin that he was sporting on his face made my skin crawl, as I realized his hand was still resting on my hip. I took a step back, bumping into Chloe as I did so, to which she whispered in my ear.

"You ok?" I gave her a brisk nod in reply, not wanting to cause any drama. The man seemed to stay in place as I moved to the other side of my friends so I was out of reach, and tried to concentrate on having fun. But whatever I did, I could feel the sleazy gaze from him.

Eventually, I had gotten back into the groove of enjoying the music and showing off my dance moves, clearly good enough to be on Strictly.... Maybe not, but at least I had rhythm. Swaying my hips alongside the girls, and typically, waving my hands in the air as the alcohol took over; throwing my head back in a hearty laugh as I enjoyed the feeling of being free and other people seemingly having the same idea.

But it wasn't long before the same man from before, found his way back near us. He was getting closer and closer as if trying to subtly join our group. But an unwanted presence wasn't so subtle. And after finally having enough, I turned towards him to give him a piece of my mind.

"Look mate, none of us are interested, and don't appreciate you getting too close to us" But my words didn't seem to phase him at all, as his lopsided grin only increased.

"If you let me get close enough, I could show you a real good time". As the sentence left his mouth, I physically had to hold back a gag, at the thought of him even touching me slightly. And at this point I was getting fed up, and opted for the usual excuse I had.

"I've got a girlfriend, and even if I didn't, the answer would still be no". Hoping this would deter him from trying anymore, I took a step back to rejoin my mates. But this man clearly thought he was God's gift, as his rough fingers wrapped around my wrist to pull me towards him, as he spat out the usual arrogant, straight male thing to say.

"A pretty little thing like you, wasted by being with a girl? Maybe you just haven't had the right dick." And there it was. I honestly thought I was going to be sick there and then.

I ripped my hand from his grip, before snarling him and turning back around, only to find that my mates had disappeared. Probably accompanying each other to the toilet. I was grateful, that my best friends weren't subjected to this imbecile, but gutted they weren't there to pull me away from this situation.

Quickly moving away from arms reach of the man, I weaved my way through the sweaty bodies that were on the dance floor. Eyes scanning back and forth for the familiar faces of my friends, or even a face friendly enough to help me out.

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