Coffee? •Lucy Bronze•

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Whoever created the idea of coffee deserved the world. Without being dramatic, they also deserved: a star on the walk of fame, a picture in the hall of fame, and their own wax figure in Madame Tussaud's, because quite frankly, coffee was the only reason I could function day to day.

Which was why I was currently driving around Manchester, trying to find a quiet place to grab coffee before I had to head to work.

The worst thing about travelling for work was that it meant I never knew the best places to go get food or stop for a coffee. I mean, there were always the typical places like chained restaurants and Starbucks. But what's the point of having the opportunity to travel to cities around the world, and not experiencing their own little examples of great tastes?

I drove through the slightly less busy streets of Manchester before I spotted a quaint little coffee shop. Boxx2boxx coffee. There were picnic benches outside for an outdoor seating area. Small families enjoyed iced coffees and sandwiches in the warm weather and immediately a small smile made its way onto my face. Perfect.

After I had found a place to park, I made my way toward the small building. I pushed open the door to be welcomed by a small ding above my head from the bell as the warm and comforting smell of coffee enveloped itself around me. Walking towards the counter, I greeted the barista before saying my order.

An iced vanilla latte with a shot of espresso, with a cheese toastie.

Despite it being somewhat early in the morning, people filled the coffee shop, enjoying their own early-morning peace before a hectic day at work. Once my order was ready, I found a small table in the corner and placed myself on the chair before digging in. And it was delicious.

I also took the time to glance around the shop, I enjoyed people-watching. Coming up with scenarios of what each person my being going through or doing for the rest of the day. Were they heading off to their first day in the office, or planning on quitting to search for something better? Did they have a husband and kids at home? Or were they thinking of something big to do with their lives?

People were a mystery to me and it was intriguing. I guess that's why I studied psychology at university.

I continued to look at the people around me, a small smile graced my lips, watching the peaceful look on some people's faces. All of us had found solace in a small little coffee house.

My eyes had landed on a table of three women. All had brunette hair, but one was darker than the other two. Two of the women, sat close together, arms barely grazing each other and short glances were shared between the two as they spoke to the other woman sat at the table. They were lovers. It was easy to tell. Subconsciously, the mind and body wanted to be closer to the person you love, so small gestures such as intimate smiles and short bursts of eye contact fulfilled the desire. It was heartwarming to watch.

The other woman, on the other hand, seemed slightly more hard-faced. Clear rimmed glasses were perched on her nose, and her black her in a slicked back low bun. She was well put together. She came across as someone who would be a leader. Her posture was perfect, she held the right amount of eye contact with those she spoke to as if asserting dominance without realizing she was doing so. But she didn't give much else away, she was hard to read; that intrigued me more than anything else I've come across before.

I must have spent a bit too long trying to study the woman as she eventually caught my eye. She held the eye contact long enough to make me squirm in my seat, whilst she raised an eyebrow, that then sent my eyes darting downwards. She was definitely dominant because she was able to basically control me with just a look. That was unusual to me.

I decided to keep my gaze downwards, slightly intimidated by the woman, but that didn't last long, as the scraping of the chair in front of me captured my attention. And with that, the brunette was sat in front of me.

This time there was a shadow of a soft smile on her thin lips. But one thing that caught me off guard, was how beautiful she was up close. Her assertiveness was still apparent, but the sparkle of amusement in her eyes made her less intimidating.

"It's rude to stare, you know" she smirked lightly as she made it clear that I was caught red-handed. I was slightly embarrassed by this but didn't want to come across as belittled.

"I thought art was meant to be admired?" She looked taken by back my metaphoric compliment. And it was my turn to enjoy the shy look that appeared on her face, as she chuckled and looked away for a split second.

"That was smooth, I have to admit that". I jokingly thanked her, before it went silent again. It seemed as though, this time, she was studying me.

"I'm Lucy, by the way"

"I'm Y/N". Lucy tilted her head slightly and smiled, before questioning me more on my previous 'admiration'.

"So it there another reason you were staring, or?" The question made me giggle, it was clear that she couldn't settle for my previous compliment. So I decided to put her out of her misery.

"You're intriguing, would be the simple answer. You're difficult to read, I can usually tell what a person is like by taking a glance at them, but you're a closed book". Lucy seemed happy at my answer as if she prided herself on people not being able to figure her out.

"Being an open book makes you vulnerable, I don't like feeling weak" was her response. This didn't surprise me, as that was the usual connotation of what people thought being an open book was like.

"Being vulnerable doesn't make you weak Lucy. If anything, it makes us powerful. If you think about it, when you're vulnerable, others reciprocate it, it allows you to filter out the good and bad people in your life because you become more aware of them, as you are yourself. It's difficult for some people, but it works and it comes with time".

"I think you're the intriguing one Y/N. There's something about you". I didn't know how to reply to her statement, but the blush across my cheeks was more than enough for her. Her confidence radiated from her, and it was something that counteracted my timidness.

"My mates, Jill and Shelley actually pointed you out to me as you walked in, they said you seem like the type I'd go for". I glanced back up at the slightly older woman, as the corner of my lip pulled up slightly.

"Am I? The type you'd go for, I mean".

"Hmm, I can't be too much of an open book just yet now can I?"

"Touché Lucy, touché". With that, I glanced down at my watch and realized it was time for me to head off to work. I announced this to Lucy and her smile faltered a little, which I'm sure mine did too. Before I had the chance to walk away after saying goodbye and exchanging numbers, Lucy slightly gripped my arm, to grab my attention.

"How about, you let me take you on a date? That way you can try and figure me out a little bit more?" Her question pulled a laugh from my mouth as I nodded back at her.

"That sounds good to me".

(1406 words)

Finally, a Lucy Bronze imagine!

It's short but sweet. I wanted to try and incorporate some other players even just slightly, that isn't usually mentioned, such as our Queen Jill Scott. What a woman.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this one. Who else would you like to see?

As always, requests are welcomed and the more detailed the request the better. However, there are quite a few imagines lined up that I know you'll love.

Up next: Finally Loved •Rachel Daly•

Stay safe and enjoy reading!

G x

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