Code Green •Georgia Stanway•

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Lights were twinkling above the city as we were walking into Manchester's Christmas Market. The cosy brown sheds lined the street, housing the food stalls and small shops selling cute little snacks and handmade ornaments. My arms interlinked with Kirsten's as we laughed alongside our other friends, trying to decide, which of the small fair rides we were going to go on first, or whether we were going to get mulled wine or hot chocolates. I was voting for the latter. Not wanting to spend the whole of the Christmas break tipsy.

We finally spotted a drinks hut. Heading over to get in line, we stood behind another group of girls. Not really paying attention to what was going on, me and Liv talked about the upcoming trips she was taking with her family once Christmas was over.

"I know we broke up, but I didn't think he would move on that fast". We overheard one of the girls in front of us talking with her friends.

"G, it's not nice to see but I guess this should be your sign to move on and not feel guilty about it being a short amount of time... he clearly didn't think twice about it". The group continued to talk about their predicament, and as much as I didn't want to be nosy, I couldn't help but listen in. What? I love a bit of gossip.

Their conversation continued, and what I gathered was that 'G' spotted her ex-boyfriend with a new girl, although it has only been two weeks since they split up. The rest of my friends were obviously listening in too, but it seemed as though a lightbulb went off in Kirsten's head, as she managed to get the group's attention and suggested our usual plan:

"Sorry for listening in, but you girls should try, what we like to call 'code green', it'll definitely take your mind off of things and make him jealous" she turned to us slightly as we chuckled at her suggestion. "It works all the time".

The girls looked at us confused. The brunette who appeared to be in the situation questioned us about it.

"What exactly is 'code green' and how would we do it?"

"Code green is basically a mission to make someone jealous, usually one of us in the group with volunteer or be suggested to help another girl make someone jealous by acting as a couple, flirting or just doing romantic shit to annoy someone, and if the right person is chosen for the job, it works a charm". Kirsten replied.

The girl, who turned out to be none other than footballer Georgia Stanway, appeared to be deep in thought as she contemplated the suggestion before replying.

"Sounds like a good idea, but he knows all my friends so it wouldn't make him jealous if he saw me with one of them"

"Well... Y/N can help" my friends shoved me forward slightly so the other group knew it was me they were talking about. I was a bit shocked and embarrassed by their suggestion because Georgia Stanway was extremely beautiful and I also didn't want her to feel under pressure. Georgia and her teammates looked at me smiling but still unsure, so I felt as though I had to reassure them about it all.

"Look, don't feel pressured, the whole idea was just a suggestion. If you're up to it, I'll happily help you get back at him; nothing will be done that makes you uncomfortable. But if not that's fine, it's all a bit of a game anyways so don't feel as though you have to. My friends can be a bit overwhelming sometimes".

After this, she appeared to be settled on the idea.

"Yeah let's do it".

As the two groups discussed more about how to make it look realistic, we migrated together so that it appeared we were all a big friendship group. But it turned out we all got along extremely well. We found out that the other girls in the group were none other than Ellie Roebuck, Keira Walsh, Lucy Bronze, Ella Toone, Alessia Russo and of course, Georgia.

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