Don't know how pretty you are •Keira Walsh•

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Waking up next to Keira is one of the best things that came along with being in a relationship with the midfielder. It was a relationship full of love, laughs, trust and most of all friendship. She was my best friend. And my best friend was currently kissing every inch of my face to try and wake me up.

"Babe. Baby, babe. Love. Princess. Babe. Y/N wake uppppppppp". I couldn't hold my laughter in anymore as I chuckled, the kisses tickling my face. The second a sound lift my lips, Keira threw herself on top of me laughing, before quietening down and resting her head on my chest, listening to how my heart beat sped up because of her. She still had the same effect on me as she did 2 years ago when we first met.

But by the soft sigh that left her lips, I knew something was wrong. I ran my hands through her hair and left soft kisses on her forehead.

"What's wrong princess". Another soft sigh left her lips.

"Can I have a love day please?". The timid sound of her voice broke my heart, as I knew this meant she has been having a hard week and woke up this morning feeling down.


A couple of months after Keira and I had gotten together, we came up with the idea of a 'Love day'. Because although we loved each other so much and made sure to say and show it every day, some days you just wanted that little bit extra affection. So we came up with love day, for that exact reason. Whenever it was wanted or needed, the day was dedicated to either me or Keira, to remind each other just how loved we were.


"Of course you can baby" I replied. "Come on darlin' let's go make some breakfast and then we can do whatever your heart desires. Deal?"


I climbed out of bed and stood with my back to Keira. She instantly caught on and she jumped on my back, ready for us to go downstairs. I then sat her down on the stool at the kitchen island and began to make her favourite breakfast: A stack of 3 pancakes with golden syrup, topped with fresh strawberries and a glass of orange juice on the side.

"Here you go beautiful, enjoy". I pressed a kiss to the side of her head before sitting next to her to enjoy our breakfast in peace. Once we were finished, I gathered the dishes and placed them in the dishwasher, before turning around to see Keira deep in thought.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"Sometimes I hate being a grown-up. Like, there's so much pressure to have your life sorted out and be this perfect role model. It's exhausting".  With that being said, I had the best idea.

"Right Kei, up we get. We've got an adventure waiting for us".


We got out of the car, and headed towards the park in our local area. Keira shot me a confused look, as I just winked at her, grasped her hand in my own and pulled her along with me. We ran quickly towards the park laughing together and acting like children. Immediately, Kiera walked toward the swings, as that was her favourite thing when she went to the park as a kid.

I walked towards her before taking my place behind, getting ready to push her on the swing.

The smile on her face made my heart race and my palms get sweaty. She never fails to make me feel like it was our first date all over again. The twinkle in her eye when she looks at me makes me feel as though I'm the only girl in the world. And I know that she's the only girl in mine.

"Y/N, how come we rushed to come to the park?" Keira asked as she twisted her neck back to look at me slightly. I moved so that I was standing in front of her, in between her legs as she continued to sit on the swing.

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