Post-Game Dares •Leah Williamson• Pt.2

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Walking out of the stadium, was all but a blur. My mind still racing to the thought of the kiss with the England captain. I know it was a dare but the thought of her lips dancing with mine sent a tingle down my spine and set butterflies free in my stomach.

Rain poured down, soaking everyone that dared to make the run for their cars or for their buses.

As we slowly walked out, being some of the last fans in the stadium, Talia and Eva complained about not wanting to get soaked by the rain in the short walk to the car.

"Y/N, seriously. We've got nowhere to be, can we just wait until the rain stops or lightens before we run to the car". Eva shoved her hood over her head as she asked to wait.

Looking up at the sky, I replied. "The grey clouds don't look like they are going anywhere any time soon. You two wait here and I'll go get the car and bring it closer to here". The two agreed to wait by the stadium entrance as I turned around to start the walk to the car. Glancing around in my own world, I spot the England Team waiting to get on their coach and head off to their team hotel. Scanning over the team, my eyes landed on the blonde. Leah had no jacket on for some reason but she looked absolutely freezing.

Turning around and lightly jogged back toward my two friends. "Talia, do me a favour and take this over to Leah Williamson, say she can have it and don't take no for an answer!". I took my hoody off and chucked it to the brunette, before turning around again and sprinting to my car, trying to avoid the icy rain on my now bare arms.


We walked out of the stadium, huddled together laughing about something Bright and Daly was doing. The sky started to turn dark as the grey clouds rolled in, and rain drops began falling one by one. I had forgotten my England coat on the coach... which we were currently waiting for in the rain.

Goosebumps travelled up my arms as each raindrop hit me. The girls were all laughing and dancing in the rain like a bunch of kids. I just kept my head down chuckling to myself whilst shoving my hands in my tracksuit pockets.

"Hi, erm... Leah?" I looked up to see a blonde girl around my age staring at me questioningly. Slipping a small smile on my face, I replied.

"Yeah, you okay?" I could feel the eyes of the rest of the team staring at us.

"I am, thank you, but my friend Y/N. The girl you kissed. Told me to give this to you". As she said this she handed me a hoody. "She asked me to bring it to you, 'cause you look freezing". As I was about to insist that I was fine, the blonde beat me to.

"Also. She told me not to take no for an answer" She then winked and laughed before walking away to her other friend that I didn't realize was stood right behind her. Not only that, but I didn't realize I was blushing profusely.

"Ooh, Leah has a loverrrr"

"Shut it Meado" With one last glance at the girls, with Y/N nowhere to be found. I pulled the hoody over my head and was instantly surrounded by the most comforting smell, a mixture of light coffee, pear and vanilla. It sounds like an odd mixture but it smelt homely and fresh.

Finally, the Coach pulled up and we all climbed on. Finding my seat next to Keira, I glanced out the window and without realizing I slowly touched my lips. I was thinking about my new favourite kiss.

• Time Skip •
2 weeks later

• Time Skip •2 weeks later

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Bethmead_  wit woo ❤️

Stanwaygeorgia  purple is deffo your colour💜

Keirawalsh that's my bestie 🔥

Y/N_ Nice hoody 😉

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Leah's POV

Nice hoody.
I just stared at the comment as I tried to slow down my racing heart. I finally found her. Well, technically she found me.

The past two weeks, has just been me, day (and night) dreaming about the y/c haired girl. Mixed with the girls teasing me about it at training. And one name running through my mind. Y/N. Yet here she was in my comments. I wasn't going to let her slip away again.


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Here it is, part 2!
There will be a part 3.

What was your favourite part and why?

Would you guys prefer me to continue writing with the character 'Y/N' or would you prefer me to write with a set character name (this could be your own name if it is your request!) Let me know what you would prefer!

Also, requests are more than welcome for any player of your choice. The more detailed the request the better!

There are some other players imagines coming soon also. Such as:

Georgia Stanway

Jill Roord

Rachel Daly

Keira Walsh

Lucy Bronze

Ellie Roebuck

Beth Mead

Leah Williamson

Who would you like to see first?
Let me know.

Stay safe and enjoy reading

G x

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