4| Boyfriend Witch Hunt

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"What?! Where did you hear that?"

"Braylon told me. How the fuck could you tell him before me!" They smacked Y/n's arm lightly. Y/n widened their eyes in disbelief. Did everyone know?

The student let out an irritated sigh, grabbing Aelina's hand.

"Look, I didn't tell him, or anyone for the matter. I was just with my... boyfriend... and Verita walked in. I told her because I didn't want her thinking that I was doing something else. But I didn't think she'd tell literally everyone else." Y/n explained, mumbling the last bit. Because now, not only did they have to pretend to date the stupid killer in front of Verita, but their whole friend group as well.

Aelina huffed and started walking to her class, Y/n walking beside her.

"I'm sorry, I wanted it to be kept a secret because I didn't know if it was serious. We were just testing things. I mean, would you really want me to introduce a guy to you and then break up with him." They explained. Aelina nodded slowly, seeming to finally understand.

"It's fine, I guess you were going to tell me later on anyways." They said, causing Y/n to smile. They never liked to fight with their friends, it made them feel uneasy and panicked.

The two finally got to the lecture hall, sitting down in their usual place and continuing their conversation.

"You should really check the group chat more by the way, the whole night your boyfriend has been the subject." Y/n's cheeks flushed in embarrassment, grabbing their phone from their pocket to open the group chat that they rarely spoke in. The reason they had it muted is because once they were kicked out of class due to their phone going off so much. Since then, Y/n has had some resentment towards the group chat.

Monthly Orgy

Is he at least hot?

I'm not even gonna lie that man is fine asf
But like Y/n I could be a better boyfriend than him. 🤭

Nah but literally everyone wants Y/n wtf
Same tho 🙈

Y/n sighed, one hand holding their head up.

Ya'll are literally so disgusting

Y/n was going to start ranting through text, but the professor walked in, signaling for everyone to be quiet. Y/n put away their phone and took out their laptop, opening a random tab to take notes and another to play online games. Aelina looked at Y/n and chuckled, opening a new tab to the same game so they could play together.

The pair walked to their next classes. They usually went to the same place, and then split up at the last hallway. It's where the friend group would meet up for break and then split up right after. Usually Y/n would look forward to these days, however today was quite the opposite.

Once they finally got there, they tried to stay quiet, listening to Braylon and Verita argue. Though that plan quickly proved to be ineffective, since they all heard Aelina sip loudly from her drink just to spite everyone.

"Aelina stop fucking doing that- Oh hey Y/n, how are you?" Verita said, a sly smirk displayed. Y/n smiled back, giving the same energy.

"I'm doing great, thanks for asking-"

"And the boyfriend?" She asked, causing Y/n to internally scoff.

"You know when I told you that I had a boyfriend I didn't think you'd tell everyone." They said, leaning against one of the walls.

"You have to let us meet him-"

"Absolutely not." Y/n protested, cutting off Braylon. The boy huffed and crossed her arms, rolling his eyes at Y/n.

"Oh come on you have to! We need to see why you chose him over any of us." Ralitsa argued back, turning her phone off to engage in the conversation.

"Yeah see you guys are hella weird. You'll probably scare him away." They said, only half lying. Their friend group had started off normal, though quickly turned very weird. They all shared moments together that have never been spoken about again because it was so odd.

"Well we're going for a drink tomorrow, you should ask him to come! We're also forcing you to come too." Aelina said, fixing her hair into a high ponytail. Y/n opened their mouth to speak, though they were cut off.

"I'll ask him whenever I see him next, that way we can all get a definite answer. Plus, if Liu wants to go, than Y/n is forced to go." Verita said. Y/n went to protest, though was cut off once again.

"Wait, his name is Liu?"

Y/n scoffed, slinging their bag across their shoulders.

"I'm going to my next class, bye you whores."

Y/n quickly opened the door to their dorm room, ready to lay down in their bed and cry. Well, that was until they saw a blonde, casually sitting on their bed. They were playing on what seemed to be a Nintendo switch.

Y/n wasn't sure what to do. They didn't seem it was appropriate to panic or yell because they weren't necessarily doing anything. But then again, they did break in and enter.

"Y/n! How I've waited to talk to you!" They said, putting down the console. Y/n quirked a brow. How the hell did he know them?

"Who the fuck are you?" They asked, slowly putting their bag down slowly. It was only then did Y/n get a good look at him.

He looked exactly like Link.

Well, besides the eyes. Link had blue eyes, and whoever this was had, well, none. There were only red irises, and blood spilling out of them.

"Oh shit, I probably should've mentioned who I was first." He mumbled to himself. He then shrugged, getting up. Suddenly he was right in front of Y/n, a glint in his eyes.

"The name's BEN."

. . .

Short chapter sorry guys



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Alr I promise that's all the characters imma introduce that aren't Creepypastas

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Alr I promise that's all the characters imma introduce that aren't Creepypastas

Ily all take care <3



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