Post-Game dares •Leah Williamson• Pt.3

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With one final tap of my phone, everything was booked and ready to go.

Booking confirmation

Name: Miss Y/N Y/LN
Booking number: LDN46059442270P

LDN Heathrow ——>  PRS Charles De Gaulle

Departure - 17:00             
Estimated arrival - 18:45

Once I had double-checked the information and flight time, I began packing my bags as the flight was later on in the day. Whilst I was packing, I had an overwhelming feeling of adrenaline. I was really going to fly over to another country for a woman I've met (and kissed) once, all because she wanted to see me. If that isn't dedication then I don't know what is.

I had only packed two outfits and some nightwear, as well as some toiletries. I only planned on staying the night as the match was tonight at 8 pm and the England team was flying out to Spain the next day. So I had no other reason to stay in Paris alone, although I was tempted to have a break away.

I hadn't spoken to Leah today, as I know she would be travelling with the team and I didn't want to disrupt her. I had already told her I was going to come, and I always stuck by my word. I just hoped I get the chance to be with her, even for an hour, to make this travel worth it, otherwise, I really was going to look like she had me wrapped around her finger - which she probably does, but I'm not willing to admit it.

Thinking back to the day at Wembley, still made me blush. I wasn't expecting the captain of the England team to speak to me, never mind kiss me. But I wouldn't change it for the world. I often thought back to the kiss, the feeling of her lips against mine, and how well her body fit with me, even with there being a railing bar in between us. It was perfect. She was perfect.

Truthfully, I didn't know where all of this was going to go. Whether it was just a bit of fun for the defender or whether it was the start of something special. But either way, I knew I was going to make the most out of every second that I got to interact with the blonde beauty.


The few hours in the day had slipped away, it was time to go to the airport. Once I had arrived, it was time to do all the typical airport things, check-in, security, have a wander around duty-free and then wait at the gate. Thankfully, I only had a small bag, so I didn't have to haul around a large suitcase, but the weight of the backpack became apparent on my shoulders, alongside the worries about how this trip was going to go.

The excitement and adrenaline began to wear off as I boarded the plane and find my seat. Was I being clever? Or acting irrationally. I guess it was too late to turn back now. Before the plane departed, I shot a quick DM to Leah, to let her know that I was definitely on my way.

5:03 pm

Hi Leah, just boarded the plane and am about to take off, the flight is only short so I'll be there soon. Then you definitely won't need an excuse to see me 😉. I won't see you before the game, so good luck and smash it like always.

We've just gotten to the stadium, I'm excited to see you. I hope you're here in time! But thank you, love, I'll see you soon!

I wasn't expecting a reply so quickly, but knowing that Leah was just as excited to see me, put a smile on my face and made me feel at ease. As the seatbelt sign came on and the plane made its way to the runway, I put my phone in my pocket and glanced out the window. Here goes nothing.

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