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MELODY DAVIS was sitting down with Kevin on the bench, in attempt to comfort him, as he waited for his parents and Mr. Gasca. Kevin had got caught helping to deal the drugs at Northside Academy, that Jake had him holding.

"Kevin, I can't believe you, like, since when yo ass turned into a drug dealer?" Melody asked. "Yo, I'm already gonna have to deal with my parents. I can't have you yelling at me, too." Kevin said. "Well, you need to stop tryna be something you're not." Melody told him.

"You're right. My bad." Kevin agreed, making her sigh.

"Come here, boy." Melody said, as she pulled him in for a hug.

Kevin and Melody sat on the bench, embracing each other, when Maisha walked up to them. Melody quickly pulled away and Kevin smacked his teeth, at the sight of Maisha.

"I told you that were gonna get in trouble hanging with them fools, Jake and Papa." Maisha spoke. "Sis, right now isn't the time." Melody told her. "I don't need to hear your mouth right now, Maisha. Don't you gotta be in class?" Kevin inquired.

"Yeah, but I heard you went all Nino Brown, so I decided to come and see what was going on. Why haven't you called me since my party? Not that I'm pressed." Maisha queried.

"So, um, what happens now?" Melody asked. "I'm not sure. My mom's on her way here. Got a meeting with Mr. Gasca and Dr. Hurns. I guess I'm getting suspended." Kevin said. "Or expelled." Maisha added and Melody sighed.

"Look, I don't care. They can do whatever. As long as Mr. Gaca know I'm not going to Chicago North Side Academy." Kevin said.

"What's wrong with Chicago North Side Academy? Their college program is bomb." Maisha inquired. "Who cares about college, anyways? I'm in middle school." Kevin argued. "I do. My mom might have a bunch of kids, but I don't want any." Maisha voiced and Melody nodded.

"Famu, right?" Kevin asked.

"Or Fisk. They have a really good business program. I don't know. I keep changing my mind. Well, uh, let me know what happens. Hopefully you don't go to jail and end up another black male statistic." Maisha said, before walking off.

"Wow." Melody uttered.

Suddenly, they heard loud footsteps coming up the staircase. They looked over and saw Kevin's mom, causing Kevin and Melody to sigh, deeply. Melody knew it was bad for him.

"I'll see you later." Kevin told Melody, as he stood up and she nodded her head.


MELODY DAVIS was now at Kevin's house, with Jake and Papa. Kevin had invited them over to discuss what happened earlier, while his moms were out of the house. She honestly was nervous about him leaving their school.

Melody was laying down in Kevin's bed, beside Papa and Jake was sitting next to Kev.

"So she whooped your ass at school and took your TV?" Jake asked. "Yeah... that's wild, Kev." Melody admitted. "So, exactly what type of ass whooping was it?" Papa asked. "I don't know. I wasnt thinking about that. I was just tryna stay alive." Kevin stated and Melody laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03 ⏰

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