Neve walked into school with a totally different energy than she had the day before. She was going to act like nothing had happened but was going to change the way she interacted with Kai. She could not look at him without anger after what had happened.

Classes sped by even though this was the one day she didn't want to reach lunch, unfortunately she was picking up her books while all the other students were headed to lunch. Maybe she could eat lunch in the library or maybe-

"Neve!" She looked around and saw Reed waving at her. "Come on let's go to lunch."

Neve reached the cafeteria, grabbed her lunch and sat down at her usual table. She looked anywhere but at Kai.

Lunch was extremely quiet and awkward. Emerald was nowhere to be found and Kai and Neve weren't talking at all.

"What happened with you guys?" Reed asked. Neve shook her head and Kai kept silent staring at his burger that he hadn't touched.

It had been the worst lunch Neve had ever had. She started eating lunch by herself in the library to avoid Kai. She was angry, not as angry as the first day, but still angry. She was mad that he had chosen to do, that! She was mad that he hadn't even tried to talk to her afterward. She was mad that he had thrown her into this situation.

Neve was again thinking about the incident. She always used the word incident because thinking about what had actually happened made her want to throw up. She didn't know why it made her so disgusted.

"Why does this seem so bad?" She asked herself, in her head of course. If she had said it out loud the librarian would have thought she was crazy. "Why am I so disgusted by this. I mean he's just a boy. I like boys. Why wouldn't I? Everyone likes boys. Maybe I do like Kai. In every book I read the girl falls in love with either her boy best friend or the most popular kid in school, sometimes both. That means I have to like either Kai or Emmett. I have to like them. It's just the way it works."

She had finally come to the conclusion that she should like them, when someone walked over to her. Neve looked up and saw Emerald standing there.

"Hi." Emerald said. Then she sat down next to Neve. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Neve answered.

"What are you doing in here? Why aren't you with our friends?" Emerald asked. Neve opened her mouth to speak then closed it. "Let me guess your fighting with one of them. What happened?"

Neve ended up telling Emerald everything but leaving out the part about whether or not she liked Kai and Emmett.

"Oh, my, god!" Emerald yelled. "Girl. You got the classic love triangle plot. I see it all the time in movies." Of course Neve knew this, she was a reader she had read at least 50 books with the love triangle plot. It was the most common plot in romance books, with billionaire finds someone while they're in disguise falling close behind it.

"Okay, I know how this goes. What you have to do is, step one: figure out your feelings. Step two: the boys fight over you quietly with you standing in the background looking pretty." Neve was not liking this plan so far. "Step three: epic battle scene, the boys war it out over you while you watch. Step four: you stop the fight, normally by staring into their eyes and screaming 'look at me!' Step five: you kiss one of them, get married and live happily ever after! It's a solid plan. Works every time." Emerald seemed to have forgotten about her crush on Emmett, she was too excited about this.

"Emerald! Calm down! I have a couple complaints. Why do I just stand in the background? That's stupid. Also why does screaming 'look at me!' work in everything? What power would my eyes have?"

"Answer for question number one, these books and movies are normally written by men so they are extremely sexist. We should probably change that. Give power to the women! Then answer for number two, your eyes are the windows to the soul. If they love you, they love your eyes. Simple math." Emerald answered.

"Um... sure." Neve said.

"Okay let's start with step one, figuring out your feelings. Who are you in love with?"

"I don't really know."

"How do you not know?!" Emerald yelled. The librarian stared at us until Emerald apologized.

"I don't know how to tell if it's love." Neve said.

"You can just tell. When you're in love you just know. It's simple. You can tell how adorable they are. You get nervous around them. You would do anything to impress them. That kind of thing."

"But with normal people you can tell when they're cute. You can always tell if someone's cute. It's normal to get nervous around people and-" Neve started but Emerald cut her off.

"You can't be nervous around someone you're not in love with. That's not how humans work." Neve was starting to think that Emerald was not the best person to ask for relationship advice.

"Well, no, but whatever you want to think I guess. It's also normal to want to impress people. You want people to think you're a good person. You don't want to meet some and have them not like you." Neve said.

"Yeah, but it's more powerful when you're in love." Emerald said.


"No buts!" Emerald screamed. The librarian kicked her out of the library.

Neve left the library at the end of lunch to go to her next class. After another couple hours of useless information that Neve wrote down but didn't listen to, she was free to go home.

A/N: Thank you for reading. Shout out to my editor SlytherinFromCHB for helping me make these chapters acceptable for you guys. See you next chapter.
<3 Emma

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