Post-game Dares •Leah Williamson•PT.4

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"Leah, babe! Hurry up, we're going to be late"

"I'm done, I'm done, right let's go." Leah ran past me, patting my shoulder. I just looked at her in complete disbelief, shaking my head at the blonde, as I watched her sit in the drivers seat of the car, looking at me impatiently, as if I was the one that took forever getting ready.

I followed suit by sitting in the passenger seat, putting on my seatbelt and got ready for our drive to Wembley stadium.

"You know Leah, considering you're the captain, shouldn't you actually be on time, on game days?" I raised my eyebrows towards my girlfriend of two years, accompanying my expression with a smirk. Leah just side-eyed me with a huff, deciding to ignore my slight dig at her, but a slight smile made an appearance, letting me know she didn't take my words to heart.

The game wasn't for another 2 hours, but the team is usually expected at the stadium they are playing at , a fair bit earlier to get organized, such as scoping out the pitch, getting changed, team talks and warm ups, all before kick off. But as I looked at Leah driving, slowly beginning to panic, as she constantly looked at the time. I place my hand on her thigh, squeezing slightly before circling my thumb on the top of her thigh, letting her know that she was okay and to calm down. She gently placed her own hand on top of mine, interlocking our fingers as she took a deep breath, calming herself down slightly.

Throughout the drive, I couldn't help but admire her features, every single thing about her blowing me away as if it was the first time meeting her all over again.

The past two years had been eventful to say the least. After she left my hotel room in Paris, I yearned for her touch all over again. She stuck to her word and we kept in touch, constantly texting and FaceTiming. I soon made it a habit to fly or drive to wherever she played with the lionesses or arsenal, wanting to see her beautiful face and her exquisite skills on the pitch as often as I possibly could; I was constant mesmerized by the way she moved and how she controlled the ball. Whenever I had a break from work, I was on my way to see her. Leah even made an effort to come and see me when she had days off from football, even if it was just for a day; I was grateful for every moment I had with the defender.

It didn't take long for me to fall head over heels in love with her, her personality was addictive and I craved to hear her voice, often asking her to tell me stories about her travels, just so I could see the passion light up her eyes.

Despite me falling in love, early on in our situationship, it was Leah that took all the first steps. She said the first I Love you. She took me on our first date. And she asked me to be her girlfriend.

They weren't the only firsts that she took. She was the first to wipe my tears when I cried. The first to celebrates with me when I was happy and I made sure I was the first to do all them things for her, to show her how grateful I am that she was in my life. But it was about time I took the first step at something in our relationship.


Once we pulled up to the stadium, Leah found a parking space and we climbed out the car. Our hands instantly found each other once again as our fingers laced together; with a smile sent my way, Leah led us inside. We were out to the public as being in a relationship, but often kept to ourselves. We were private, not secret. It made life slightly easier together, as Leah's came skyrocketed after winning the Euro's and I couldn't be more proud of the player and the role model she had become.

Once we were inside Wembley, Leah was whisked away to go prepare for the game against Spain, with only an hour left before kick-off. I left her with a kiss and whispered good luck into her ear, before I was left alone with my growing nerves. Almost immediately, when she left my presence, my palms grew sweaty and my chest tightened, fearing the results of tonight - and not just the one of the game.

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