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CHAPTER:1. Discovery

I'm josh hurley I am 12 years old and wright now i'm walking my dog shoe shoe we call him that because a man was selling him at a shoe store. It's 10:24 pm the sun is down and im not really thinking of where I'm going I gess I was following the tug of shoe shoes leash I look around and I see I'm in the yard of a old looking house the side walk is crumbling under my feet the paint is faded shingles are falling off the roof the rest are trying to hang on the grass looks as if it's never been cut and it's not even that green there's one dead tree in the middle of the yard .Then I hear it the yelling no screaming and then it stops then I see the door slowly open I start to walk back then run next sprint before I can look back I hear it a small whisper . Then im really happy becuase i see it's my HOUSE! Then I trip at the tug of the leash I'm run to fast for shoe shoe I'm pulled him so I grab him and start run again the whisper is now a boys voice I reach my front porch and open the door and slam it behind me. My parents are at my side right away my mom asked me what's wrong I say noting i let the leash go and go up to my room.

Chapter: 2 donuts!!

The next day I feel like haveing a donut the bakery is a few blocks away and it goes pass that old house where shoe shoe pulled me I run pass the house I got one look at it there something different about it I didn't get a good look so I guess I can slow down on my way back and take a better look .when I get to the bakery I hand the cashier 2 dollars and say I want a donut he gives me one i say goodbye and I head off I almost walk right pass the old house .now I know what was different there's a fence around the yard the KEEP OUT is written on the fence with BLOOD! I start to run about half way to my house when I notice no one is chaseing me so I start to walk eating my donut when I reach my house it starts to rain I'm done with my donut and im ready to find out what was going on in that house

CHAPTER: 3 wish I had didn't

.Tonight I slip out my window and walk away from the house. As soon as I reach the the conner I see a person standing in the yard I come around the Conner and he starts walking I walk back away more then I run in my head I'm thinking why did I sneak out the window if I'm not going to find out who lives there then I stop it's quite . It goes black I feel a pain in my head I open my eyes I'm In a small room theres a guy standing in the dark then I light fills the room and a woman's voice comes out and says jake are hurting this boy ( no I'm just giving him a talk ) ya right your trying To bite him ( fine I was trying too but I'm so thirsty ( now he knows to much ( no no no I can keep quite i don't even know what your talking about ( I'm sorry but you can't know )please tell me ) ok. Jake show him (but(no buts(fine

CHAPTER:4 fangs

( what I saw next is FANGS! I faint and wake up on a couch with someone next to me when he comes into veiw I think I'm in the house when he's not doing anything I say hello (hi so you know about it) ya so you guys are vampires ( o ya and I'm Joey the other guy is jake and that girl you saw is Cassidy and there's another girl named Amy but shes out eating (so can I go home )oh no you know now we can't let you go )what but people are going to be looking for me (oh we took care of that we reported that we saw some one carry you into the woods (you can't do that )just kidding ) the next think I do is run for the door then I'm being lifed off the floor of the house and then set back down (come on it will be fun(how will it be fun your a vampire (I know but I'm not going to bite you but jake mite( that's great )I heard that )his voice came from what I think is the kitchen hey I heard that )sorry ) you better be ) hey don't be so mean )hey Amy (how was lunch)great I went to the retirement house ( cool)So this is the humman we can't bite but has to stay) hey I am a very helpful) really are you ) Um so I can go home right ( oh ya you can just dont tell anyone.

CHAPTER :5 someone my age

Oh josh before you leave why don't you meet my daughter Lilly and son ken ok? Are they unmn yes they are vampires ok I guess KEN !! Lilly!!! Yes mom come here this is josh he is a human Now I didn't say out loud but Lilly was most pretty girl I had ever saw now this I said out loud just ima simple hi. Umm mom yes ken can we go out side sure if he wants to . Do you josh ya sure

CHAPTER:6 new friends?

Ok so josh what do want to do I don't know. Then I notice the boy ken had his fangs out and the girl didn't .by now the boy ken was look at me well at my neck then he jumped at me Lilly was trying to pull him off then Lilly's yelling made amy run out the door and pull ken off of me josh why don't you come back tommorrow ok bye

CHAPTER:7 never again

The next day I went back to the house but it was empty no one was there as I walked back to my house a cold wind blew over me I turned around only to see someone stand in the dark.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2013 ⏰

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