The Hunt

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Chapter 36
Azariah's pov

Do you know what's better than a piece of cake?

Eight pieces of cake. All different flavors, with different frosting. I'm not even the least bit put off that I'm required to sample them all.

I have a duty to fulfil, and I was going to take my time, and eat each single one of them, then decide which one I liked best.

My mother and Amber also came with me, but of course, the lightweights only managed to take a couple of bites of each piece. I on the other hand had no such trouble finishing mine.

"So Amber, how's mated life treating you?" My mother asks her as they wait for me to finish up, and make my decision.

Her face goes a light shade of pink, but she grins like a schoolgirl anyways. "It's great. I don't think I've ever been this happy."

"Ask her again in a couple of months," I say around a mouth full of lemon burst cake.

Anthony and Marie, the bakery owners start laughing and share a knowing look. They've been mated for thirty-five years and owned this bakery for almost as long.

It was a given that they would make the cake, plus all the other sweets that would accompany the cake at the dessert table.

"You haven't been mated long enough to make such statements," My mother laughs.

I finally finish up and push myself back from the table groaning from how full I am. "Maybe not, but I do know a thing or two about keeping your male on his toes."

"Please, do tell," Amber says with a derisive snort.

"So as you probably already know, cooking isn't my strong suit, but lately I've made a point of beating Jace home, so I can cook supper." Amber's eyes go wide like she can't believe I was allowed in Jace's kitchen in the first place.

She'd be right of course.

"And trust me when I say it's terrible, I taste it before serving it. Anyways, I'm just waiting for him to ask me to stop cooking or admit that what I made is terrible. But so far, I'm losing. Every single time, he finishes his entire plate, then actually thanks me for supper."

Everyone starts laughing, including my mother, which is ironic, to say the least.

"So, you deliberately make Jace horrible food, just to see if he'll eat it, or if he'll own up and tell you it sucks?" Amber says incredulously.

"Yup. Wanna know the worst part?" I evily smile as I ask. "I've been spending a few afternoons a week learning how to cook with Seraya."

Amber's eyes shine with tears, and she quickly slaps a hand over her mouth, trying to prevent the sound of her laughter. My mother hangs her head, and also does her best not to laugh. Their changed behavior is odd, and it only takes me a second to figure out why.

"He's standing behind me, isn't he?" I ask the pair of them, and all I get is the nodding of heads.

I swing around in the chair, to see my mate standing in the doorway with a look of shock on his face.

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