Percy's 18th Birthday

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Annabeth: We need to make sure that this party is perfect. It's his 18th birthday and we have to make it special.
~They all agree and continue setting up decorations (blue-themed, of course). Percy's 6-month-old sister, Estelle, sat on the couch, played with a sea green balloon and giggled, clearly enjoying the sea of purple, blue, and green that now covered the living room~
Annabeth: Who has the cake?
Sally: I do!
Annabeth: Blue cookies? Those are very important to Percy.
Piper: Me.
Annabeth: And the gifts?
Hazel: All set up.
Annabeth: Leo, are you done with the confetti cannon?
Leo: Almost.
Annabeth: We still need to finish the balloons, and set up the drinks, and–
Thalia: Annabeth, you need to calm down. We have everything we need.
Annabeth: I know. I just want to make sure that this is the best birthday party he has ever had.
Sally: And it will be. But the party won't start if no one gets ready. Everyone, go change.
Annabeth bit her lip. Sally was right; she needed to get ready and it would take the girls a very long time. The boys were already in their party clothes.
Jason was wearing a sky blue shirt that matches his bright eyes.
Leo had on a red shirt with a blue jacket that says "AHS Basketball Team".
Will wore a dark green shirt under an unbuttoned blue and green flannel shirt. Now, he is trying to convince Nico to change out of his black clothes.
Will: Nico, this is a birthday, not a funeral.
Nico: *rolling his eyes* Will, I'm sure Percy won't mind my Son of Hades outfit. And this is my party shirt; it even has little skeletons dancing around.
Will: *glares* It's still not the proper party etiquette. *sighs* Fine, Lord of Darkness, if you change, I'll let you shadow-travel, a safe amount, next week.
Nico grumbled but didn't protest. He came back wearing a dark blue shirt and black ripped jeans.
Frank was wearing a purple button shirt, helping Sally set up the table. Paul, Percy's stepdad, was wearing a pale blue button suit and a dark blue tie. He looked a bit like an English professor at parent-teacher conferences (which he is).
Grover, Percy's best friend (don't tell Annabeth) was wearing brown pants with his cleanest CHB t-shirt. Hey, It wasn't easy being a satyr! Rescuing demigods from all over the world was hard work. He also wore shoes to cover his goat feet and a hat on his head for his horns. A pretty typical Grover Underwood outfit, but he was sure that Percy wouldn't mind.
After half an hour, the girls emerged from the bedroom.
Annabeth got dressed wearing a gray and sea green ombre dress. She thought it was perfect for Percy's birthday. It reminded her of his perfect sea-green eyes that she could get lost in forever. She tied her hair up into a woven messy bun that made her look like a princess.
Thaila was dressed up in her usual punk style: a black shirt with a navy blue jacket and dark blue jeans.
Reyna was wearing a pastel purple turtleneck sweater with black pants and wedge shoes. Her hair was loose and wavy.
Hazel was wearing a dark blue dress that reminded her of the night sky with gold sequences throughout. Her dress shimmered and Frank couldn't keep his eyes off her. She put her hair in a messy bun with huge golden hoop earrings that flickered when they caught the light.
Frank: *speechless* Hazel, you look amazing!
Hazel: Aw, Frank stop it. You look pretty handsome yourself too.
Piper wore a floral dress going down to the floor. It was covered in bright flowers and was the perfect shade of cobalt. Her hair was braided into the French braid and reached her lower back.
Jason: *jaw drops as soon as he sees Piper* Gods, Pipes, you look so... so... *continues to stare*
Piper: I look so what, Jason? *walks over to Jason and kisses him on the cheek*
Jason: *spins Piper around* So amazing. You are literally the most beautiful person on this planet. Don't tell your mom, she wouldn't let us date anymore.
Piper: Jason, if you think that this looks good, just wait for your birthday. *smirks*
Jason: *in shock for the 5th time today* I- I- can't wait *still looking at Piper*
Piper: Jason, please stop. You're making me blush.
Jason: What? I can't even look at my gorgeous girlfriend?
Piper: You can, but-
Annabeth: After you two lovebirds are done, Jason, can you and the boys pick up Percy from school? Stall him as long as you can; we'll text you when to come.
Jason: Yeah, in a sec, Annabeth. *turns to Piper* I love you.
Piper: I love you too, Jason. *she kisses him again* I'm going to go and help Hazel with the food.
Jason: Okay, bye. *still holding Piper in his arms*
Piper: Jason, you have to let go of me.
Jason: Fine, but I'm coming for you tonight... *Jason lets go and they both start helping* 
Percy's POV:
Percy stood outside his apartment door, waiting for Jason to give him a green light to come in. He knew that everyone was planning a "surprise" birthday party, from the way everyone would stop their conversation whenever he entered the room for the past two weeks. It was confirmed when Jason and the boys took him to a restaurant right after school ended (Percy suspected they were stalling him to finish the decorations).
Although he wasn't excited about the party itself, he was more excited to see what Annabeth planned for him. The last time he had seen her was this morning, when she came over to his apartment bright and early (she wouldn't even let him sleep in on his birthday).

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