♔︎𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓔𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽

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Five stared at the Handler who stood in the middle of the room, staring back at him. "How did you find me?" Five asked, while glancing at a small knife that was near her.

The Handler smiled while taking a step forward, now less than arms reach of Five. She reached over to caress his face, only for her hand to be smacked away by Five and earning a look from him.

"I'm not your puppet anymore, and I'm sure as hell not your mindless slave," Five spoke, the Handler laughed under her breath while she put her hands together in front of her.

Five noticed that Y/n wasn't around and started to worry, "Where is she?" he demanded without hesitation. "Dear, you're going to have to tell me. Who?"

He rolled his eyes and glanced once more at the knife and the Handler, "You know who, Y/n. Where is she?" The Handler only snickered at his demand and took a few steps closer to him.

"If you think that I did anything with her, I haven't.. yet. But when I do it'll be you too-" the Handler says while shes about to put her hand near his face until Five stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

He had promised himself that he wouldn't do anything stupid to get himself killed by her, but that was when he actually cared about his life.

The Handler had shoved him away slightly so Five would let go of her wrist, and before Five could even react she had hit him across his jaw.

Which made him take a step back from her while he held the side of his jawline, the Handler pulled him back closer to her by his collar of his shirt and leaned into his ear whispering.

"Apparently you forgot our little agreement from two years ago, you kill the princess and I give you your freedom. But no, you didn't kill her. So do you know what that means?" she questioned while looking at him.

Five didn't respond and only stared back at her, "It means that you still are my puppet and mindless slave, I own you, and if I have to I will make sure that you're in your place along with everyone else. So until then.. you still work for me-"

The Handler began to walk around the room, Five watched her from where he stood in the room. But once The Handler's back was to him, he slowly made his way to the end table with the knife.

"I found you because you forgot to cut out the tracker in your arm.. the one you haven't fucked up-" the Handler suddenly spoke while she swiped her indext finger across a counter that was over due to be dusted.

Five said nothing and hid the knife in his sleeve while she now began to walk behind him, he turned around in her direction and watched her. "I want you to leave" he demanded, "Did you not listen to a single word I said?"

"Oh, I did. But apparently you didn't hear me," Five said, taking a step closer to her. The Handler smirked slightly while she glanced down at his hand that held the knife.

But before Five could even hesitate she grabbed his arm and pinned it behind him along with pinning him to the wall face first, Five struggled, he tried move his wrist with the knife that was still in his hand.

Still attempting to try and do something to the Handler, she took the knife from him like it was nothing. Her elbow pressing harder into his shoulder blade the more he moved.

As surprising as it sounded, Five was scared, and he felt pathetic for being scared. The Handler kept him pinned, and with her other hand she raised the knife and placed it under his chin.

"I should just kill you, you never listened to what you were told anyway" the Handler whispered, pressing the knife down slightly. "Ansin f-fucking é a dhéanamh!" (Then fucking do it!) Five yelled.

He didn't mean it, but the Handler always threatened him with that phrase throughout his life.

The Handler let go of him and dropped the knife in front of him while Five quickly brought his hand up to his throat to see if he was bleeding, luckily he wasn't. He turned around and saw that the Handler had dissapeared.

Like she was never there and it was in his head, or maybe it was and he was going insane.

Now that the Handler knew where he was he began to panic, Five looked around the room and began to hyperventilate. He went to the bathroom and turned on the sink, his hands shook under the faucet as he cupped his hands.

Five brought the water up to his face and hoped it would somehow help him, but it didn't, he felt worse, he felt like he was never going to be ok or safe.


When Y/n got back she noticed that Five wasn't in the kitchen or living room, she went to his bedroom and still didn't see him, so she went to the bathroom.

He was laying on the floor curled up in a ball, crying. Y/n sat on her knees next to him, she placed her hand gently on his shoulder and rubbed his shoulder. She didn't know why he was upset, but she thought that he would come around to telling her eventually.

The room was only heard of the very few quiet sobs from Five, along with him mumbling unrecognizable prayers. He never prayed once in his life, he never even once thought that he'd have to say one in his future.

Now he did.

Five's head was also in Y/n's lap, but the rest of his body stayed in it's same position as when Y/n came in. "You have to go back.." Five whispered, Y/n looked down at him and ran her fingers slowly through his hair.

"I'm sorry for earlier-" she started, "Y/n don't change the fucking subject, you have to" he said slightly louder. She stayed quiet and stared at the blank wall in front of her, Five sat up and sat next to her now.

He wiped the tears off of his face with his sleeve and looked down while sighing quietly "We'll start later tonight," he began. Y/n looked at him almost in disapproval "I told you that I can't go back," she said.

"I understand that you don't want to but if you're with me it's going to cause a lot of problems and that's the last thing I need right now" Five mumbled, leaning his head back on the wall.

Both of them in silence.

Dear princess, I'm sorry²||Five HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now