That Summer

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That summer, Grace and Bri decided they were going to have their first sleepover! They had been planning this for weeks.

So around mid July, they had been messaging each other planning when and where their sleepover should be.

"Should we do my house or your house?", Bri would ask anxiously.

Grace would message back with certainty "My house definitely. We can sleep in the basement all by ourselves, and my parents won't bother us!"

It was blatantly obvious that Grace and Bri had liked each other. At school they would hold hands and just say it was because they were "best friends".

Out of the whole friend group, Bri and Grace had been the closest, yet they had known each other the least amount of time.

They had talked then and there in elementary school, but middle school was different.

They both had joked about dating each other, and Grace breaking up with her boyfriend to get with Bri, or joke about kissing each other.

"When I break up with Dawson, we are dating", Grace would say.

Bri couldn't understand whether or not Grace was just joking, or if she liked Bri like Bri did her.

The sleepover came and they were so excited! They had watched Luca together the second Bri arrived!

"I love this movie! It's definitely my favorite at the moment." Bri had spoken nervously, because Grace was laying next to her with her head resting next to Bri's. They were holding hands and Bri's heart was racing.

After the movie was over, Grace and Bri decided to get their Pajama's on. They both wore onesies because they wanted to match.

Bri was so uncertain about how Grace felt about her. She didn't know if her best friend was just touchy, or if she actually felt the same.

They were holding each other, and cuddling, while watching youtube videos on Grace's phone. They had both enjoyed watching Minecraft youtubers.

After that they would just chat. About nothing in particular, but just random things.

There was a long pause of silence. It wasn't awkward or weird, but it was a silence of just staring into each other's eyes.

"We should probably go to bed" Grace would say, breaking the silence.

Bri would agree, "Yeah it's like ...3 AM." checking the time shocked at how the time had passed so quickly.

And before it had been even a second, Grace had kissed Bri, without hesitation.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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