Dear Lover

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Dear Lover,

I'll see you again soon. You're never gone for long. My room smells like you, and it makes me wanna curl up and fall asleep with you. I love you more than words can say and eyes can hardly express. You are everything I could ever need and exactly what I didn't know I wanted. If air, and water, and food are the most necessary things for survival in the world, then you are the most necessary thing for survival in the universe, and such material things could not hold a flame to the awe alluring being that is you, the love of my life and the light of my world. Remember my darling, you are what makes my life worth living, you are the reason I smile every morning, the reason I decide to get out of bed that morning. You are my motivation to write, draw, express myself, and live. You are everything, not cliche, no, genuine feelings of you being my everything. You, my dear, my sweet, my love, my darling, my chipmunk, my little monkey, my strawberry, are my everything. I love you. And I always will my dear.

Your darling.

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