Chapter 1

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The plot takes place around the 1800s.

A whipcracking occurred making the horses feet clacking much faster, carrying the carriage more swiftly. Currently Zak's inside the carriage with his mother Claire, Zak's been looking out side the window for the past minute.

And after a few seconds Zak shifted from his seat, taking a good look at the particular tree around the area. He as well looked around the back window to still see the tree as they passed by, Claire only exclaimed " Why are you doing that again? You've always done it since you were 12" she took a breath and closed her eyes.

Zak shifted back into his seat, it's a friday morning his going to school while his mother is going to the store. Zak took a sigh looking at bit down again, Claire only looked at him for a second before shaking her head " Gosh Zak that was.... 6 years ago, forget about your friend. Him and his family probably fled" she nervously said the last part.

Zak nodded " however the thought of him just doesn't leave my brain, like why did he left. And more importantly why didn't he said goodbye, it's just sad to me because he was my only friend and that happened."

Claire nodded understanding the situation " ok yes his your friend and he left without a trace, however it's in the past. Whomever is not here is supposed to not be a topic ok, I'm sure your friend Darryl was it would be more happier to know you being not so devestated."

Zak looked at his mother and replied " I guess your right mom".

Claire smiled " there you go and for now you should just focus more in school mk. Focus on what's more important".

Zak rolled his eyes hearing that which his mother didn't like but let it slid. " did you hear what I said?" Claire asked with a raised eyebrow. Zak retained his blank face taking a deep sigh " yes mother".

Minutes passed by and they arrived at the school front, the carriage stopped. With that Zak opened the door and got down the 2 steps and said goodbye to his mom. She as well said goodbye waving at him, Zak started walking inside the school, hearing the coachman saying heeya slapping the whip making the horses go.

He slung his sling bag in his right shoulder entering the school without a bother about the students looking at him. His used to the attention as his parents are really well off due to the coal mine lash mineral mine. Coal has soared through the market since the population growth, it's more accessible due to some areas not having tress. Powering trains and other steamed engine equipments.

Zak let out a sigh because now he could mostly see a few people whispering as he pass them, it kinda irritates him not knowing what's it about or is it really about him. He entered his classroom setting down his bag, a few seconds later a few friends of him went towards him.

Clay said " been hearing a few bits of rumors again" he thinned his lips seeing Zak's eyebrows furrowing in question. Nick only added to what Clay said " Well those rumors are about you Zak... You saw those students whispering?" Nick stopped looking at Zak.

Zak squinted his eyes looking at Nick to George and now at Clay " what about them?" Zak said invested to know. Nick sighed " rumors been speculating that your dad actually makes slave work in the mines. Not only that those rumors say those are teenagers just like us who'd been taken from their family who are in debt."

Zak luaghed it off " indebt to us? Hahahaha as if."

George looked at Zak with a face of sadness he said " Yes indebt as in owing money. They aren't indebt to your parents, rather they owe money from your grandparents bank."

Zak's smile from luaghing faltered as he looked at his friends playfully rolling his eyes. " Those are just rumors ok, don't believe in those. Rumors are just baseless information".

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