Come back

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Talia wasn't normal. Hell she wasn't even from Hawkins. She showed up out of the blue around the same time that Billy and Max had moved to Hawkins. She used to live with her five sisters on a small island near Scylla. She also wasn't human. She is a siren, that's probably why Hawkins lab hunted her and her sisters down only to end up taking her. She escaped with the help of an experiment patient there, Eleven. And now here she was.

In the star court mall fighting alongside all her new friends against a giant human flesh made monster that had possessed her boyfriend, Billy Hargrove. She was helping everyone set off fireworks at the monster avoiding looking at Billy who was propped on top of Eleven, in pain as she tried desperately to get Billy to fight back the monster and it was working. Ever so slowly Billy couldn't feel the pain of the monster anymore and the black veins went away while his dull blue eyes got brighter.

He stood up as everyone ran out of fireworks and faced the beast before him. It shot a tentacle out at Eleven but Billy caught it while screaming. Talia stood next to Max and watched in horror as the monster made more and stabbed them into Billy and the one Billy first caught went straight to his heart.

"BILLY," Talia screamed alongside Max as the monster dropped Billy and shortly after that the monster started thrashing before dropping to the floor, dead. Talia and Max ran and knelled down next to Billy crying.

Talia couldn't see past the tears in her eyes and couldn't hear past the devastation she felt losing the love of her life. Everyone watched as Talia looked up at the broken glass dome over the mall and they quickly covered their ears as she let out an ear piercing screech as she called upon her sisters for help. Not long after two girls seemed to materialize next to Talia as she had herself over Billy's chest crying her heart and soul out as she held him. 

She looked up quickly when she felt the presence of her sisters

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She looked up quickly when she felt the presence of her sisters. "Please, sisters, help me he can't die, please help me," She cried to them.

They stared at their young sister pitifully, "You know what will happen if we do," The oldest sister spoke.

"Please, I'd give up anything for him," Talia said in all seriousness, "And if it means becoming human so be it."

The sisters nodded and helped Talia up. They all held hands and began singing.

As Talia began singing Billy's body lifted up off the floor and everyone watched as Billy's blood went back into his body and by the end of the song Billy was standing in front of them completely unharmed and breathing. Talia swayed a bit before falling forward into Billy's arms, past out. 

"Talia, baby, wake up," Billy held her shaking her shoulders lightly.

He looked up at the two girls in front of him confused. "She'll wake up soon," The second oldest said sadly, "she gave up her powers for you," She reached out touching Talia's long red hair, "She is completely human now."

"And all to save you from death," The oldest sneered, "Don't break her heart, shes tied to you now and if my baby sister dies of a broken heart I will hunt you down and eat your heart," She hissed showing him her pointed teeth.

Billy jumped back holding Talia closer to him. "I would never hurt her," He sneered at the oldest sister, "and if I ever did I would gladly hand myself over to you because I love her too much to live without her."

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