Missing chapters?

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Missing chapters?

"Never Yours", "Them and Us" & "You Are No God To Me" no longer fully available on Wattpad.

"Never Yours" is now fully available, exclusively on the GOODNOVEL reading platform and "Them and Us" has also been taken down and epitomized as "Never Yours Book 2" on GOODNOVEL. The few chapters you're seeing here are only guides to the main platform and how can you really get the rest of the chapters without stress or any cliffhangers.

"You Are No God To Me - chapter 20 to the end" is now fully available on the GOODNOVEL reading app/platform.

Why am I taking down my stories from Wattpad and publishing them on Goodnovel?

Well here's why.

GOODNOVEL is a platform that supports and encourages writers dreams, thereby enabling them to do better in their writing journey. Not only do they promote your stories on their apps, they acknowledge and recognizes your work and also provide you with all the cash and moral support you'll need to keep going. Well, since my works are not being recognized here, it's best if I take it elsewhere where it can be recognized and where I can get all the support I'll need as a young, aspiring writer.

NB - more stories will be coming your way soon so stay tuned and connected for more. Don't forget to follow your girl for more updates. Thank you.

You Are No GOD To Me{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now