Breserker to Mage

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They say when you die you remember you're past. Well it's true. Short clips of everybody that crossed my mind as I lay dying, choking on my own blood. Blood pouring out of my body in different directions. Body becoming quiet cold, the pain began to fade as my vision becoming more dark. Heard my name being called in the distance. Everything went completely blank, fell into a slumber. I died.

Suddenly awoke in a strange room. Sitting across from me on a throne beautiful Femboy. Dressed in white and gold, clothes sparkling from the lights in the room. He sat their with a smirk on his face, staring at me. Four wings spread out as he stood up. Brushed his golden brown hair to the side. Speaking in a lovely accent.

"Well Silvia, Seems as though you went and got yourself killed. Well wasn't your fault you we're murdered." He said in a mocking tone.
"Murdered?" I say confused.
"You deaf? Yes you we're murdered don't make me repeat myself." He said annoyed.
"OK so now what? Do I go to heaven or hell?"
"NO." He paused for a moment. "Because you died while it wasn't you're time. I decided to send you off to another world." Femboy says proudly.

Shook my head, pleading to go back to my own world. We began to bicker back and forth. Femboy God wouldn't budge. Kept telling me how it was against the rules. Told me to give up on ever going back to my world. He'd get into trouble if he did that for me, if he did it once he'll have to let others do it as well.We sat their arguing for a few hours while playing chess together. Insulting each other, switching to different games, card and board games.

After which seemed like days he suddenly changed his mind. We stopped playing our game. Told me he'll let me go as long as I go back as someone else. Felt fired up, at last I'll be going back. He continued speaking since he owed someone a favor anyway. Wasnt sure what he meant by it. He told me once the memories are complete or almost complete, that there will be a test needed to pass in order to stay. Unfortunately he wouldn't tell me what it is.

"Who do you owe a favor to?" Said curiously.
"Now Silvia, you know already I'm not telling you. What's the fun in that?" He said giggling.
"Doesn't hurt to ask. Figured as much you wouldn't make it easy for me. But why tell me after so long?" I responded.
"Being stuck here gets pretty lonely and boring a lot of the time. Plus it's fun to tease you." He said patting my head.

Femboy God set a bunch of rules. Can't come back as a Breserker or Knight class. Giving me a year to retrieve my memories or I'll be sent to another world of his choosing. Once memories are close have two choices. Choose the wrong path will have consequences. Choosing right path can stay. Have to find my memories on my own, they'll come back as flashbacks or dreams. Once I've left this room won't remember any of this including him.

Decided to come back as a Mage since it's something Silvia wouldn't do. Might be interesting to use magic for once. Femboy God used a shiny glowing stone which changed my appearance. Skin became lighter, hair went from short light blue to long wavy violet, eyes changed from yellow to light purple. Chose my mage class Necromancer. Seemed more interesting than the other classes, plus who wouldnt want to a army of the undead? Could use it to my own advantage in the future.

Femboy God held a new wardrobe for me to change into. Grabbed the clothes from him, quickly changing in a different room. Robe seemed weird, Femboy mentioned it being magical in its own way. Robe will gain popularity eventuall he said whispering with a smirk. Skirt seemed bit short for my liking. At last Serina Phantom was created.

Thanked Femboy God for his help. He looked away and began to shoo me away with his wings before tucking then in. Went over to him, when suddenly he kicked me in the stomach. Began falling from the sky, he beagn to look smaller and smaller. He waved and wished me luck on my journey.

The Time I Died And Came Back As A MageWhere stories live. Discover now