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Yn was with her big sister and brother along with kokonoi

We're going home and kokonoi left them and going to his house

Few hours later

The people were outside and screaming for help and then inui and akane was saved by kokonoi

Not longer

Inui and akane were shouting for your name but no one respond

And the firefighters came inside the house and came out with you but you were burn all of your skin

Ryusei is your childhood friend when he saw the news about the accident

He quickly came to the hospital

Akane and inui and kokonoi was staring at your room

Ryusei came in the hospital and went to your room his legs can't stand properly and start wobble


He start crying and inui and akane family came inside your room and talk about the doctor

But ends up.....

Few years later

You died in burn from the fire ryusei can't forget you every time

And he always goes to your grave telling to you how much he miss you


You'll always be my girl ryusei x reader√Where stories live. Discover now