Day 1

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Its been 5 years since you and your family fled from the Kai empire. A huge civil war escaleted there and your father dicided that it would be safer in the kingdom of Kouka, ruled by king Il who despised war and wanted nothing more than peace.

You have been living in the earth clan, life was peacefull and pretty easy up untill now. Your siblings have made many new friends and had almost forgotten their once uncertain lives. You on the other hand were stuck in the past, you would have nightmares about the most terrible night of your life.

Your op.

"(Y/N)! Where are you?" You heard your father call from the house. It was already late and you were still working on the land, you never had anything else to do anyway.

"Yes dad? I'm over here! What is it?" You asked curiously, you father usually left you alone when you were on the land, most of the time you were daydreaming and in you own little world, so you never reacted to others.

"Could you come over for a bit? We are going to have some guests during dinner and they are quite hungry." You heard your father laugh. *thats strange*you thought *Dad never asks anyone over for diner, I wonder who they could be...*"(Y/N) you're slacking off again! Come, we have to get started!" You sigh "Yeah yea, comming...."

"Dad? Who could be so important that you invited them over for diner? I mean... the last time we had someone over was..." You began. "Yeah I know dear,I'll explain it all later during diner okay?" Your father interupted you. "Well,okay then, i guess..." "Cheer up (Y/N), its all gonna be okay." Your father winked at you. It gave you the chills, he was up to something you just knew it.

"(Y/N) have you looked for a husband yet?" *OH GREAT. this again* you thought. "Come on dad, you know I never even leave the land, I just don't feel the urge to marry someone when I'm not even adjusted to the country around me... jet alone the people." "(Y/N)... I know its hard, believe me, but you have to keep going with your life. I mean, I want some grandkids, and you're 23 already. Don't you think its time for you to settle down and have a little family of your own?" "Sorry dad, I don't want to think about that kid of stuff right now..." You could hear your father sigh. "Well okay then, whatever you say. Just know that I love you and only want te best for you." "Thank you dad." You gave him a quick hug and continued cooking.

~~~Time skip~~~

Diner was done and ready to be served. The only thing (or things) missing were your guests. Suddenly you became all nervous. What kind of people could they be, and what did they do so your father invited them over? *Oh no, I hope this isn't an attempt of my father to get me to marry a man I don't even know?!* Suddenly youheard someone knock on your door, when youstoodupto answerit yoursiblingsflewpastyou to get there first. they were just as curious as you apearently. You laughed at their sillyness when they kept standing in front of the door. They were startled when they knocked at the door. "Maybe they are not at home, or we're at the wrong house?" you heard a girly voice say. "Don't be stuppid princess! I certain that this is the house he lives at" You could hear quite low voice say. *Princess huh... What the..?*You could hear the argument between the two continue. Your little sisters seemed to become more scared because of the two. *Jees acting like a bunch of little kids..* "Yeah I'm comming!" You finally yelled at the door. The two stopped abruptly.

When you went to the door your sisters hidbehind you, only to get a peek at the people standing outside your door. When you opened the door you saw more people you expected to see. *2...3...4...5...6...7... WOAH WAIT WHAT?! 11 PEOPLE TO FEED TONIGHT?!* you stared at them in disbelieve, scanning each of their faces. all the men were handsome, especially the one with the green hair and purple eyes, you were just... captivated by him. *CRAP! there is no way this is happening! i'm not falling for a complete stranger!*

"well, euhmm... it's nice to meet you all. I-I'm (Y/N), and I think you are the guests my father invited over for diner tonight?" you said, kind of taken aback. "Oh look at you! you are so cute miss (Y/N)!" A smaller boy with shiny blond hair chimed. "euhmm... thanks...? I guess..." "Thank you for having us tonight for diner miss (Y/N). Its very nice to meet you, my name is Yona, and these men are my companions on my travel. Hak, Yoon, Zeno, Shin-ah, Kija and Jae-ha" Yona saidpointing at the 5 guys. *So.... His name is Jae-ha...? hmmm... NONONONONO (Y/N) DONT* You quickly shook your head, earning some strange looks from the travelers. "Please come in" You said, while closing your eyes "My father must be waiting for you inside".

After every single one of the travelers were seated in your tiny house, youstarted servingdiner to everyone. "Lina, Lea sit down and eat please!" You were not upto chase them around the house, just to get them toeat their food. "My apologies for the commotion" you heared your father said "its quite lively inhere with just the 4 of us, its just a littlemore rowdy since they don't quite know how to act with strangers around" "its alright. I am enjoying this quite a lot. I was an only child so i it to see them running around like this." The girl withthe beautifulred hair said. It took awhile toget foodforeveryone, and somehow you ended upnext to Jae-ha. *god,why me? I don't know if I can take this.* "Why, I am so lucky to be acomapnied by such a lovely lady tonight." Jae-ha looked at you. "Thank you... but ehhh... your food is getting cold ifyou dont eatit" You saidquickly with a blush onyour cheecks.. *Oh no (Y/N) what are you getting youself into! Also, couldn't you just think of a better response?!* you sigh.

"Why the long face (Y/N) dear? Is it something I said?" Jae-ha looked at you curiously.. "Well... No it isn't you..." You glanced the other way... your eyes followed you sisters around the room. "Then what is it? You know, you can always tell me, I would enjoy listening to such a lovely voice as yours" He made you blush AGAIN *What's with this guy?* you looked at him. "Its just... I'm not used tothis many people around the house. The last time was when my mother was still alive..." You suddenly stopped talking. Your sisters looking to the floor sadly. But your dad still had a smile on his face.

"Oh (Y/N) dear, I'm sorry if I made you remember something sad." Jae-ha looked at you with a glint of sorrow inhiseyes. "Don't worry, its okay, I don't mind... It simply made me remember why we were here." you said,forcing a smile. "come on! eat your food! it really will get cold, and its a pain to re-heat it." you said smiling. A single tear escaping your eye, which Jae-ha quietly wiped away.

~~~later that night~~~

You sat in the garden, infront of the grave you and your sisters made for your late mother. Silently sitting there, you heared the door opening. You quickly wiped away all your tears, and looked around to see who it was. Jae-ha.

"Hello there (Y/N) dear, how are you?" he asked eyeing your face. You simply smiled at him. "Oh I'm doing fine Jae-ha. Just looking at the stars." Jae-ha just kept staring at you. "Beautiful..." he wispered. "Hmmm? Did you say something?" You stared at him with big eyes. *Dont get anything in your head (Y/N) You'll only break your hart!* "I-I... Ehhhh... Said that you look... Beautiful" He wispered the last part with a slight blush on his face. *OH MY GAWD* "T-thank you Jae-ha..." You stuttered with a face as red as a tomato.

"Jae-ha! Good news! (F/N) is so kind to let us stay as long as we need

to get all the things we need to do done!" You heard Yona yell excited to him. "Well that's great! Now I can get to know you some more (Y/N)!" Jae-ha said and winked at you. "Heheheheh... Yaaayy!" You nervously said. *oh god, please... I don't think I can handle this much! Why are you testing me like this? You just have to don't you..?* "What is it (Y/N) aren't you happy? Look at the Beautiful sky! We get to enjoy this some more together, won't we?" He happily said. You stared at him. You felt so happy that you could get to know him better, but uncertain at what things you could expect. You smiled a little "yes we will" looking back at the sky.

~~~~ the end of day 1 ~~~~



So what did you guys think? Sorryhis is the first time to actually write something like this. Sorry if I made any mistakes, I'll try to correct them as soon as possible.

Please give me some feedback on the stuff I wrote, so I can maybe write a continuation of the story.

Thanks for reading guys! :D

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