PROLOGUE! but finney could never even look her in the eye

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isn't that aggressive.

sometimes she gets mad at other people when she gets frustrated.

sometimes she gets into arguments with designer store assistants who think she can't afford a nice handbag.

these frustrations often spark into physical altercations, which end up with cherry using her imagination to fuel her violence.

when a girl pulled a knife on her, cherry used her heel to stab her.

her new pair of shoes were unfortunately ruined.

after the fight was over, nobody said a word. the dead silence was cut in by a black-haired girl, who asked how much the shoes cost.

that girls name was mia, and she was cherry's bestfriend.

everybody questioned the friendship.

cherry was bitter. sarcasm slipped off her tongue easily, and she said everything with the blankest stare. when she wasn't being quiet, the jokes she made were too weird.

the things she said just did not need to be taken seriously.

her attempts at first impressions were basically nonexistent; everyone had already made their minds up about the kind of person she was based on one fight, so why would she act a certain way to change their minds?

she didn't really want too.

peoples assumptions that she was a mean girl who would punch them in the face for even looking in her direction, wasn't just something that woukd disappear overnight.

no matter how much she wished it would.

cherry had the worst staring problem in the world.

she could think whoever she was admiring was the most beautiful person she'd ever laid eyes on; but she would be glaring at them.

a compliment from her sounded like an insult.

'wow. that skirt is.. so cute.' cherry spoke, in the most awkward tone ever.

of course, cherry was nice when she really, really tried. it's not like she was exactly the meanest person, ever. she just didn't have a lot of good influence.

her attempts to better herself were useless.

it didn't matter how nice she tried to be. her scheduled anger management classes didn't do much for her.

people would always think of her as the most evil bitch to walk the earth.

the fights she'd been in, and the way she carried herself, didn't help her 'i'm a nice person!' case.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now