chapter 1 • cherry would rather die than date finney

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her back pressed against the pinball machine that vance was aggressively playing with.

she was blowing gum bubbles.

her bestfriend, mia, was sitting on the bench nearby with her legs pressed against her chest, focusing on her bracelet.

vance, mia's boyfriend, slammed his hand against the pinball machine.

his bracelet, matching mia's, shook against his wrist.

with a huff, he pulled away, and looked around the arcade. someone caught his eye, and he held back a laugh.

"there's your boyfriend." vance spoke sarcastically, pointing at a boy across the arcade.

cherry turned to look, with an unamused expression.

it was finney blake.

"he is not my boyfriend." cherry scoffed, piling another layer of lipgloss onto her lips.

finney's cheeks turned a rosey shade when he caught cherrys eye. he turned back to the arcade game in front of him.

he was usually pretty silent.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now