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probably heard him as the inspiration for the song august by taylor swift.

every summer, the sturniolo family arrives to the watson beach house in nice, france.

the watsons and sturniolos were best friends, mary lou and margo (the mothers.)

attached at hip and by the collar bone, since they were little.

growing up in that house every single summer, was the best thing that could happen to you.

the dads came to visit but it wasn't their place, that's why the moms and kids only went.

theodore and charlotte watson, counted down the days their best friends visited, and the sturniolos counted down the days they visited.

every single summer, the same smell, the same warmth, the same people and the same two boys who couldn't seem to spill.

theo and nick.

that's the two names that went through the small town.

someone asks "what's that noise of giggling in the middle of the night?" theo and nick.

"what's the names of those two boys who we saw pull pranks on the lifeguard the other day?" theo and nick.

"who are those two boys who look at each other like they just realized what love is?" theodore and nicolas.

one small august afternoon, those two boys were home alone.

and without a thought they ended up kissing.

that month of august, theodore watson was on cloud nine.

when he wasn't with him, theo would take a nap just so he could see him.

the boy was going crazy.

the kid he's been gawking over for his whole life, was finally his.

but truth is

he wasn't.

because august slipped way just like a memory.

and theo would sit by his phone the whole year waiting for one small phone call from the brunette.

or a small voice to tell him, 'meet me behind the mall.'

or even just the whiff of salt air that spread around their bodies like the arms of the other.

because nick sturniolo just loves the way nick sturniolo looked under the sun, or the way he looked with a dab of sunscreen on his nose.

he loves the way he talked about things he was so very passionate about, or even the way he chews his food.

he loves the way he said his name, even better when he giggles after it.

he just loves the way he is he.

theo looked at him everyday and thought of how someone can be so beautiful.

nick had so much light thy the plants grew towards him.

theodore remembers it, he remembers it all too well.

and mostly he remembers thinking he had to himself.

because nick sturniolos name burns hot when theo writes it and feels heavy when he says out loud.

and then just like that

august came right back to those two.

 "remember when i pulled up and said get in the car?"

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"remember when i pulled up and said get in the car?"


after years of waiting, nothing came.

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