On the Tracks to a New Journey!

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Six years ago, a tragedy occurred.

You see, Time and Space were becoming unstable and undone. It only happened once, long ago, back when Sinnoh was still called Hisui. Now it was happening again. As Giratina tried to reign in its siblings, Arceus was looking for a way to fix this mess.

While the legendaries were distracted, two worlds collided. People and Pokémon were ripped from their homes and brought to a new world. Arceus could not undo the damage, even as it separated the two worlds. They were now held together by a chain.

Arceus could only watch as its creations were killed and captured. With its chosen being sent to the past in order to correct one disaster, it could only hope another hero would rise to correct this one. It gave its blessing to all trainers willing to undergo leagues.

One day this mistake shall be remedied.


A little girl was crying underneath a bridge. She pulled her knees closer to her chest and buried her face in her hands. She was just playing with her dad when the weird lights happened. Everything was so loud. She hated it.

She could only hear wind and yelling before it was replaced with running water. Now here she was, under a bridge with no Dad and no Comfey. She was completely and utterly alone.

"Hello small passenger! Are you stuck at this strange station as well?" She looked up to see a man in white approaching her. Her head moved before she could think. He only smiled. "I see. I am Emmet. I am a Subway Boss. It appears we are stuck in an unfamiliar station."

"I wan' papi...." She cried even more. The man, Emmet, didn't know how to react. He crouched down to her level and held out a hand. "Don't cry, small passenger. I can assure you I will keep you safe. I am veeeeeerrrrrrry strong." She lifted her head in wonder. "Strong...?"

"Yup! I am a strong trainer. Not as strong as my brother. He's stronger. But he is not here. So I shall keep you safe. What is your name, passenger?"

"Um, my name is-"

"Ochako! Wake up! You do not want to miss this veeeeerrry important day."

"I'm up Papa, I'm up." Ten year old Uraraka Ochako sat up on her bed as she stretched her arms and yawned. The girl took extra care on getting off the bed as Joltiks ran around the house. She dragged her feet out of her bedroom and to the bathroom down the hall. Her hand missed the light switch a few times before she actually turned it on.

A few chimes came from behind the shower curtain. "Sorry Chands." Ochako grabbed her toothbrush and wet it before squeezing some toothpaste on it. Chandelure phased through the shower curtain and settled herself on Ochako's head. The child could only laugh as she spat out the toothpaste and swished some water in her mouth. "Chands?"


"Can you comb my hair for me? After I change?" The Luring Pokémon trilled happily as she followed her trainer's daughter to her room. Haxorus and Eelektross already had her clothes ready for her. She thanked the Pokémon and shooed them out of the room.

Her blackout curtains were still closed, leaving only the LED light of her fan lighting up the room. Her walls were the same beige color they had when she and Papa first moved into the new house. Only her posters about trains and Sanrio covered the walls. The little pink TV she had sat in a corner with a console connected to it. Her desk was covered in her supplies she had laid out last night for her journey. Her pink comforter was folded on her futon with her pillow on top of it.

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