King Merlin

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The lake sparkled in the morning light. It always looked so beautiful. But for the warlock, he hated this place. He always would. This is where his best friend was laid to rest and he hated it. He sat down at the edge of the lake and took the silver jeweled crown off. It was a beautiful crown. Pure silver withsapphires decorating it. Simple, but beautiful. Oh how he wished he could throw it into the lake and never see it again. You were meant to be the king, Arthur. Not me. He said, staring out at the lake. Is this what you would have wanted? For me to be the king? Are you proud?

~One week ago~

Merlin was standing outside the throne room. Gwen had asked him to become king when she felt she couldnt rule anymore. How he wished that day wasnt now. Its time. Merlin looked up to see Leon. When had he aged so much? The gray hairdidnt suit him. He was supposed to still be young! Already? Merlin asked. I dont know if I can do this. The Queen trusts you. Leon said. So do the rest of us. You wont truly be alone in this. Arthur would have been proud. Merlin gave a small smile. The manservant becomes the king. Court Sorcerer. Leon smiled. Come on. Dont keep her waiting. Merlin took a deep breath and walked in, coming to kneel before Gwen and the priest. He kept his gaze setstraight ahead. The Priest held the crown in his hands. Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Camelot according to their respective laws andcustoms? Remembering what Arthur had said, Merlin replied. I solemnly swear so to do. The priest continued, Will you, to your power, for as law and justice and mercy, be executed in all your judgements? Merlin bit his lip. I will. Then by the sacred law vested in me, I crown you Merlin, King of Camelot. The crown was placed on his head and Merlin turned to the people as chants of Long live the king! filled the room. Merlin could only look to the sky. Are you proud of me, Arthur?

~End Flashback~

Merlin sighed as he swung the crown back and forth in his hands. This doesnt feel right. Gwen thinks Ill be wonderful, the knights have faith in me, but I dont know. Ill always be thinking what you would do. I wish you were here or Gaius was here to guide me He sighed. Why did you have to die. Arthur? How is that your destiny? Was it my destiny to become king? He leaned against a nearby tree. I dont know what to do. I will try to rule as you would have, with the exception of magic.Gwen legalized it so a warlock is running your kingdom. Let Uther know, yeah? He stood up. I should get back to what is now my Camelot. Ill see you again,right? When the wind blew he swore he could hear Arthurs voice say Of course, idiot. Merlin smiled. Miss you, clotpole.

~1,000 years later~

Merlin had never run so fast in his life. Except that one time he had to save Arthur again and again. But this time was different. Arthur was rising from the lake! He could feel it! As he got to the lake, he saw the familiar king trying to get to the shore. Arthur didnt make it before he felt Merlin crush him in a hug. He laughed softly and hugged Merlin. Someone missed me. Merlin smiled. This time, yes." "I missed you too. Well, as much as a dead man can. Merlin laughed,breathlessly. Dont lie. They both sat at the shore, enjoying each others company as they watched the sunrise. Welcome back, King Arthur. Merlin said in a quiet tone. Arthur smiled. Thank you, King Merlin. He then turned to look in Merlins eyes. Yes, I am proud of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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