Meet the Boyfriend

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Set right after the events of the Time Twins.

*Nya's Perspective*

"And this is Sensei Yang's temple," I tell my mom, or Maya? She jumps off the back of my dragon and looks around.

I glance at Kai. He's talking happily with our father. It was easier for Kai to get along with them and talk. I didn't even remember what they looked like.

Making my dragon disappear, I walk up to mom. "We haven't actually fully moved in. There's still boxes everywhere, half of them are unpacked. So I apologize for the mess," I tell her. She smiles and sets a hand on my shoulder.

"It's wonderful sweetheart. Anywhere is better than the swamp."

"We can fly you out to Ignacia in a few days but we have some things to figure out and plan." I look up toward the sky, Jay, Lloyd, Zane, and Cole are doing laps above us on their dragons. They agreed to give us a few minutes alone. It was Zane's idea, Kai's the one who accepted.

"There's no rush, really. I'd like to get to know your friends, and of course you and Kai," my mother says. I give her a smile. It's not like she can tell it's forced.

I jump slightly as Kai sets his hand on my shoulder. "Should we go inside?" he asks. I nod and we lead our parents inside the temple. "Kitchen to the left, living room to the right, bedrooms are up the stairs," Kai explains while gesturing. "We can show you where you'll be sleeping."

Our father puts his hands up. "We don't want to intrude on anything. You don't have to give us a room."

"It's fine, there's more rooms than people. Besides some of us doubled up. We're not really used to having our own rooms and it's easier to fall asleep with someone else in the room."

Got that right. After I became a ninja they added a bed to the sleeping quarters for me. Three beds on each side of the room. I would fall asleep to Cole snoring and Jay talking in his sleep. The constant moving around of Lloyd. It annoyed me at first but soon it helped me fall asleep. Our first night in the temple was way too quiet. The next morning we all decided we hated it and shoved two beds in per room.

"Are you sure?" our mom says drawing me away from my thoughts.

"Absolutely," Kai replies. "Come on. I'll show you the room so you can start settling in." I follow the three of them up the stairs to the farthest bedroom.

Kai opens the door revealing a mostly empty room. It had one bed, and a nightstand. Good thing our parents didn't have much.

"We'll just leave you guys to get settled. We'll be around if you need anything. And it's Thursday so, Zane's night to cook." Our parents thank us as we leave. I do nothing but smile dryly. Kai pulls the door shut and I feel my chest relax.

"Hey sis, you okay?"

"Yup. I'm fine." He narrows his eyes but doesn't pry.

I hear the sound of dragons landing outside and push past Kai to get to the other ninja. Lloyd enters first, followed my Cole, then Zane, and last Jay.

"Ninja meeting," Lloyd says the second he sees us. "In ten minutes, kitchen." Without saying anything else he runs upstairs. Cole sighs and slowly makes his way to the kitchen while Zane starts talking to Kai about our parents. I look toward Jay. He steps toward me, taking my hand.

"Nya," he starts. I turn and pull him away from the entrance. We go up the stairs and into the nearest bedroom. Our room. Well technically it's Jay's but I've been staying in there with him. Somehow Kai hasn't found out, but the others knew. Zane and Cole shared the room next to ours, Kai and Lloyd were across the hall. My supposed to be room was beside Kai and Lloyd's.

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