"My Hateful Lust"

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O' my hateful lust...
You bleed like a never ending cut thru my Consciousness and into my heart; My aching beating heart.
The splotches of crimson red dripping from holes of regret.
Into one big pool of insufferable sorrow.
Growing, and slithering into so many temptations that go beyond sin.
Is all I feel.
Some have the blessing of forgetfulness. To not remember or block out there shortcomings and/or trauma.
I however have very little of this blissful ignorance. I am cursed with remembrance..
to remember that I am a snake, a fool, a liar, a cheat, and a devil.
I feel violated with the memories of my past vile deeds.
Mentally molested by my own psyche.
My morals are shot.
From the violent acts, lies, and manipulation.
I have created these fantasies. Trying to justify my actions.
I have buried myself into a hole that runs deep, so so deep.
I beg for forgiveness I do not think will come.
I am scared.
So scared..

"I want to take a drill to my head. Let the pain out of the hole."
"I want to cut the veins in my neck, let the hate coil in my soul."
"Paint my walls with my blood, and brain matter. Take the pain away.
Far far away"

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