Chapter 44

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Shi Fei didn't know at all. Someone was driving to catch him. At this time, he was thinking about how to sell these paintings.

For Shi Fei now, he is just a newcomer in the Chinese painting industry, not Mr. J, who once auctioned a sky-high price of 1 billion.

In order not to be seen by others, Shi Fei also hides himself in his paintings. This is mainly because if someone knows that he is Mr. J, he must be blocked by the domestic and foreign media who are digging for information as before. He does not want to be like that again. Harassed.

Fortunately, he didn't show up in public at first, and later deleted all his information on the Internet, otherwise there would be no peaceful life behind.

At this time, the plum blossoms painted by Fei can only be said to be pretty good. He painted plum blossoms of six different trees in total for the six paintings. It looks pretty good, and it is far from the other painters in the art gallery.

Many people who come to buy paintings don't understand the quality of paintings at all. They buy paintings just for collection value or hang them in the living room or study to increase their literary personality.

There are also people who really like traditional Chinese paintings. Unfortunately, Shi Fei's paintings are not good enough. People who understand painting are even more unlikely to buy these paintings for collection.
Other people's studios are crowded, and the studios they show are very deserted.

The deputy director discussed with Wei Weidong: "Why don't they find someone to buy one. They have been painting for so long, and they can't sell even one. It's too shocking."

Wei Weidong thought for a while and said, "If you don't buy it, this is a reality show. We must be true to it."

The deputy director said nothing more.

Art exhibitions are not like selling things live. You can buy and drink at bargaining prices. It will look like a vegetable market. Generally, customers will see them for themselves, and people will come over if they don’t understand or have questions.

Shi Fei and the others would all sit on the second floor and watch the situation underneath.

Yu Wenwen drank the water nervously: "We can't really sell a painting, right?"

Li Hong said, "Others buy paintings that are sure to choose good-looking paintings. I think my paintings are like chicken paws, and people with a bit of eye will not appreciate it."

Jiang Yu said, "Why don't we sell paintings live."

That way, with their fans' appeal, let alone these few pictures, even if you add a hundred more pictures, there is no problem.

Shi Fei shook his head and said, "The program group stipulates that it is not allowed to sell paintings, otherwise it will not be regarded as a completion of the task."

Jiang Yu sighed and said, "There isn't even a person to come in to see it. Are we really going to get cold."

Gu Yueze said, "It will definitely be sold." The expression in his eyes was said by Shi Fei.

On the other side, Li Bowen is introducing a Chinese painting to his client. Today, he still wears a black (color) Tang suit with a gold (color) dragon totem tattooed on the corners of his clothes, which looks very energetic.

What he will introduce here is a landscape painting with a length of 120cm and a width of 80cm. The painting was named "Thousands of Waters and Thousand Mountains". It took him more than a month to complete the painting. The layers are distinct and the painting is realistic.

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