🥀Chapter Fifty Six🥀

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I didn't show up at the office yesterday or today. I haven't even answered any calls from my dad. I just couldn't handle anything right now. I took another sip from the Jack Daniels bottle that I was holding. It's been a two days since I talked to Vanessa. Her words kept replaying in my head. I thought thought would've fight harder but she didn't.

I've tried calling her but there was no answer. Was she trying to erase me from her mind already? It couldn't be. I miss seeing her beautiful face and those mesmerizing eyes. I wanted to scream and shout and trash the place. Just to release my frustration on something.

Maybe I should go see her.

I stood up and went to the closet and took out a shirt. I just hoped she hasn't left the city yet because that would be all hope lost. I took up my keys and phone before leaving the room. Life doesn't make sense if you can't be with the one you want.

I was so eager to see her again. A part of me still wished that she would've fight a little more. I knew how messed up she felt about the situation but a little extra fight does count. I wasn't going to blame her for what she said. Maybe I shouldn't have told her about what my dad said?. No. I wasn't going to keep anything from her. That would just over complicate things.

The elevator came to a stop and I made my way to the silver Sedan which I hardly ever drive. I sped out of the garage and was on my way to see my woman. My woman. I want her as mine and mine alone. From the time I first kissed her to when I made love to her.

I reached the house in a couple of minutes due to the speed I was going at. I parked the car and got out. I went up the steps and knocked on the door. A few seconds later It was opened by Devin. I wasn't very fond of him and I knew he wasn't of me either.

"Mordechai, what are you doing here?", he asked with a very confused face.

"I'm here to see Vanessa", I stated but his face remained the same.

"Vanessa isn't here, actually I thought she was with you all this time".

That's when reality hit me that something was definately wrong. We both got in the house and made our way upstairs. Vanessa's room door was locked and I used the only method of opening it.

I kicked it down.

Devin and I both checked inside and sure enough her closet was empty. Did she really leave? I took out my phone and tried calling her. I only heard the sound of vibration coming from somewhere under the bed. I watched as Devin took up Vanessa's phone.

"She didn't leave the city, she was taken", I said silently as my face went emotionless.

"I thought she was with you all this time. I only came home this morning from where I was and I checked but she wasn't here. Why did you bring her home in the first", he asked crossing his arms. He was glaring at me as if this was all my fault.

I don't have time for this I need to figure out where she was taken...and I know the best person for the job. I've only did business with him once before and we made a deal. He gave me a number to call if I was in need of 'hired guns' or someone to ascertain information on anything. He said he wasn't cheap but money wasn't the problem.

I had to get my woman back.


"Are you sure these men can be trusted?".

"If they couldn't be I wouldn't be going to their location now would I?", I replied as I looked at Devin. He was beginning to get on my nerves. We were currently driving to the location of Julius. After I made the call he gave me the directions and now I was passing the speed limit.

"Do you really love her?".

I glanced at Devin but he was still looking out the window.

"Yes I do, I want to marry her", I replied as I sped up and beat the the red light. I didn't have time to waste by waiting for the green light. Time was the most precious thing to me right now.

We reached the building in about twenty minutes. That's the fastest I've ever driven but it was worth it. The place was abandoned and empty and the door was padlocked.

Wasn't I at the right place?

"Ah, what now?", Devin stated throwing his hands up. I looked around and that's when I noticed someone on top of the building. I watched as he pointed to the side. Devin saw as well and we made our way to the side of the building.

There were two men with guns but that didn't scare me. We held our hands up as they searched us and then the door was opened. We went ahead first and they followed after. The inside was huge and seemed more like a base than a warehouse. The men took us down some steps and into what seemed like an office.

There behind a large desk Julius was waiting for me. He stood up and held his hand out and I gladly accept it.

"Mr. Lenetti, so good to see you. Let's get down to business shall we?", he said releasing my hand as I took a seat. Devin's phone started ringing and he went to the side to answer it.

"Is it possible to find someone without having a clue where they went?", I asked as he bit his bottom lip.

"It is possible but I need more information. Where was the person last seen?".

"She was at her house. She was taken by someone, Zed is his name. I want her back but there was no trace of where they went", I replied as he placed both hands on the table.

"Then the first thing to do is check her apartment. There must be something there. I'll make the call", he said before getting up and going towards the side. I really hoped there was some clue, anything would be of help to us.

"Ok, that's settled. I have a few trained men who will search her room to see if they find anything. If there's a trace of where they went we can find the exact location and then a few of my 'hired guns' will accompany you to get her back. And as I said, am not cheap".

"Money isn't the problem, I'll pay as much you want. I just want my woman back, that's all that matters to me", I replied as I stood up.

"I understand. Now let's go, time isn't on our side".

His guards followed after him as we made our way outside. There was a black car parked outside with a few men in. Devin and I got in ours and Julius in his before we all drove off. My phone started ringing and I saw that it was my dad. I wasn't in the mood to talk to him but I answered anyway.

"Dad, now is really not the time".

"Do you hate me son?", he asked as I swallowed a lump that was stuck at my throat.

"Dad, I don't hate you ok? But right now is just not the time. The only woman I've ever loved has been kidnapped and am gonna try my best to get her back. When I do I'll be marrying her so if you want to hate me more, then so be it", I said before ending the call.

Getting Vanessa back was my top priority right now.


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