🥀Chapter Fifty Seven🥀

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I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I sat up immediately when I realized I was in a car. I tried to move my hands but they were handcuffed together. My heart started to race as my mind caught up to me as I remembered what happened.

Franco abused my body in the worst way possible but he didn't penetrate me, thank God!. Zed had really sold me to him and so here I was, handcuffed in his car headed to where ever he was taking me.

"You're awake, how are you feeling?", he asked glancing over his shoulder at me. I didn't reply as I glared at him.

"Come on baby, was I that rough with you?".

I clenched my jaw as I stared out the window. He was sick and twisted. The way he used my body for his own pleasure. I was slapped, forced to orgasm and the worst part, being gagged. All that time my body felt numb. I didn't look at him or even make a sound. The worst feeling ever was being helpless. There was nothing I could've done.

I feel so broken and shattered. What does life really has in store for me? Was this my destiny? To be used and abused in every way possible? If I only had one wish I would go back in time and change my past. I would make different choices. But wishes aren't real and mistakes are those things that you take to your grave. Reality was messed up.

I looked around the car for anything I could find but there was nothing. The doors were fully locked and if I do escape I wouldn't reach far with these handcuffs. I didn't even know where we were. The streets seemed unfamiliar and even the buildings.

"Don't worry love, you'll accept me as your Master real soon. Am gonna teach you all the depths of pleasure. There's nothing for you out there Vanessa. Zed certainly didn't want you anymore and Mordechai, well, doesn't know where you are. You're helpless and you won't survive without money which you don't have. Just relax and let me take care of you baby, we're gonna have the best time together".

I didn't even know what to think. I rest my head against the window and closed my eyes. My head was killing me and I was also hungry. It felt like the further we went the farther I was away from Mordechai. I wonder if he is even searching for me?. If he realizes that am missing he probably will think I left the city.

The car made a turn and I saw that we were approaching a house. But not just any house, it was huge and had a very large gate. There were no other houses in this area and the place was so silent. I watched as the gate opened and he drove in. After turning off the engine he got out came around to my side.

"Welcome home baby", he said pulling me out of the car. He gripped me so hard as he pulled me inside the house. I didn't want him to touch my body. His hands made my skin itch.

"Let me go", I say as I tried to pull away. I started fighting, kicking and screaming but it was no use. He lift me up and place me across his shoulder as he carried me to God knows where. I heard the opening of a door before I was harshly thrown on a bed.

The place was dark but once the lights were on I got a clear view of the room. The first thing I noticed was that there were no windows. The next thing was that the room was almost barren. Only a small table, a few couches and a closet occupied it.

"You'll be staying here for the time being. If you do behave yourself and decide to accept me, I'll move you to my room. Now am gonna remove these cuffs and then you can take a shower. I'll prepare you some food".

I kept quiet as he took out his keys and unlocked the cuffs. I rubbed my wrists as I felt the relief of my hands being free. My stomach growled at the thought of food; I haven't eaten in hours. I just need something to get my energy up because I wasn't planning on staying long. I'm going try to leave the best chance I get no matter the conditions.

"I'll be back in an hour, take a shower and wait for me".

With that he turned and walked out. I heard the sound of the door being looked and that's when I got up. I checked the room to see if there were any cameras but there were none. I checked the drawer but it was empty. Then I went to the closet only to find a bundle of lingeries.

Franco was really twisted.

I wasn't going to put on any of these so these clothes will have to go another day. I went to the bathroom bathroom locked th door. There was a small window but was way too tiny to climb out of. If I tried it's either gonna be my whole body can't fit through or if I do manage to get through, falling from this height was a terrible way to die.

I stripped my clothes and went into the shower. I felt dirty and sweaty and the water made my body feel alot of better. I didn't spend too much before I got out and dried off with a small brown towel. After I was finished I pulled on my clothes and left the bathroom.

There has to be something.

I searched everywhere I could, the couches, under the bed and table but there was nothing I could use not even a pin to pick the lock.  I groaned before sitting on the bed. I placed my knees to my chest and released a deep sigh. I felt hopeless. There was just this awful feeling in my chest. It's been here for a while now.

Knock! Knock!

The door opened and Franco stepped in with a tray of food. He saw that I wasn't in any of those lingeries and he didn't seemed to pleased. I could care less. I wasn't some pet or a puppet.

"Here you go, you're gonna need your energy for tonight baby".

He placed the tray on the bed before taking a seat. As much as I was starving I wasn't going to sit beside him and eat. I didn't even wanna be in the same room as him.

"You're really stubborn you know that right? But don't worry, all of that will disappear soon. The longer we spend together you'll get to accept me".

He stood up and walked out and locked the door. That's when I went towards the food and took up the tray. The first thing I did was drink the full glass of orange juice. It was a crime to be this thirsty. I took up the fork and ate the Alfredo as if it was my last day on earth. I really needed some energy.

I finished everything in about ten minutes before placing the tray on the table. I took up the fork and licked it clean before debating an idea in my head. Maybe it was possible to pry the door open with it. I went towards the door and peeped through the keyhole. I couldn't see much expect another door that was on the other side.

I knew this was risky but I wasn't planning on spending the rest of my life here just for Franco's pleasure. I listened for any sounds or footsteps but there were none. I pushed the fork to the side of the door and tried to pry it open. It wasn't working but I wasn't giving up. This was my only chance.

The fork was beginning to bend and the door didn't look like it wanted to open. I groaned and try harder and just like that there was a 'click sound'. My heart was racing but I tried to calm it down. I opened the door slowly and peered out but the hallway was empty. It was already night so I had to hurry.

This was it it.

There was no turning back.


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