🥀Chapter Fifty Eight🥀

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I stayed downstairs and allowed the men to do their job. They were currently searching Vanessa's room for any trace. Juilius was seated with his legs crossed as he hummed and played a game on his phone. The place seemed as if we were robbing a bank, guns were everywhere. These men were highly professionals.

My phone started ringing and I checked to see it was my dad. I already explained the situation to him so why was he calling? I answered it anyways wondering what he was ready to argue about.

"Dad I already-

"Your mom is leaving me", he said so fast that I almost didn't hear it.

"What? Why? What happened?", I asked a bit too loudly gaining Julius' attention.

"We were at home and she was going off about how I never loved her and she wants more that what I can give her. She looked me in the eyes and told me that she has a lover. I don't know where I went wrong son. I feel messed up right now. I don't think am gonna make it, my heart hurts", he said sounding so broken at the end.

"Dad, you're gonna be fine ok? Just stay calm as soon as I sort something out we'll be able to talk. For now I want you to take it easy", I replied as he sighed and said a small 'ok'.

I end the call and placed the phone in my pocket. I took a seat and clasped my hands together. I just hope Vanessa was alright. A few seconds passed before there was a knock at the door. Julius got up and so did I.

"Vanessa! It's me!".

I went towards the door and opened it. It was ofcourse my brother Matteo. We weren't as close as we should be but I had nothing against him. Dad had always looked down at him because he plays too much. He doesn't understand the importance of responsibilities and settling down - dad's words, not mine.

"Hey, umm, is Vanessa here?", he asked placing both hands on his hips.

"Who's this?", Julius asked before I could answer Matteo.

"Hi, I'm Matteo, Mordechai's brother. Am just here to chill with Vanessa, the party I was planning to go had been canceled so am bored", he replied before looking back at me.

"You're cute".

I shook my head as I stepped away from them. I'm not interested in listening to them flirt. I watched as the leader of the search came downstairs and handed me something. I took it and examined it.

"It's a club called 'Red Flamingo'. It's located in North Carolina, I know the location", the leader say as I checked the paper some more. This was where Vanessa was.

"Find anything?".

Julius appeared beside me as the leader tells him about the club. It's gonna be a few hours until dusk so I better get going.

"Let's go", I say ready to walk off but Julius stopped me.

"It's gonna take about ten hours to reach North Carolina by car, it's gonna be late -

"-I don't care when I reach, I'm not waiting any longer. Are you going to help me or not?", I asked as I cut him off. I was paying him and I couldn't do this on my own.

"Ah yes alright. Let's go get your lady".

We all left the house including Devin who was terribly quiet. He hasn't said a word since we got here. We got in the car but stayed behind as the other cars take the lead. My mind was in a different zone. No matter what the cost was I had to get my woman back. I started the car and drove off the lawn.

Hang on baby, I'm coming.


Devin had taken over and was now driving. It seemed as if we weren't getting anywhere. We've been driving for hours and only stopped once to grab a bite to eat. I took out my phone and checked Vanessa's and I chat log. A smile sprung to my lips but soon disappeared when I remembered what my dad said.

Mom was divorcing him because he never loved her which I think is just a dirty lie. She had been cheating on dad for a while now, that would explain the mark on her neck. Time reveals everything.

"What if she isn't there?", Devin asked as he glanced over at me.

"Then I'll search until I find her", I replied as I looked out the window. The place was dark but the street lights provided a beautiful illumination. I didn't care how Vanessa was or long it will take to reach her, I'm not going back home until I find her. Then I'll marry her and start a family.

If she wants that as well.

I watched as the cars slowed down before turning down an alley. I followed after them and we ended up on the other side of the road. I watched as the club came into view. This wasn't going to be easy and I know someone was getting shot.

I stopped the car and turned off the engine. We both got out and went towards Julius.

"Here's the plan, Zed is the owner of the club so we need to get into his office to avoid any commotion. The men will figure out a way to get in from the back. We will go in and act natural, we don't need all the commotion. Then we will confront him in his office, please follow the lead. This is serious business".

We listened intently to Julius before it was time to execute the plan. We made our way to the main door making sure to act cool. The guard at the door searched us before letting us in. As I expected, the inside was filled with loud music, strippers and rich business men.
I kept my head low as I had an encounter with Zed before so I didn't want him to glimpse me.

"Just blend in", Julius said before going off towards one of the girls and placed some cash in her bra. I stayed put keeping my eyes peeled for anything. This type of situation could get messy fast. A waitress came by and we took two glasses of champagne. Devin drank down his in one go but I just took a sip.
I wasn't focused on drinking.

"Let's go now", Julius said as he came back and we followed him. We kept on the low as we made our way to the back of the club. Zed's office would definitely be upstairs and most likely heavy guarded.

"Ok my men have reached the inside from the back. The office is just up these stairs but it's surrounded. Buckle up, things are going to get messy".

And with that he ran up the steps and we followed after. There were two men who tried to stop us and I didn't know what happened next but fists were flying. Devin handled the first one and I did the other one. I never knew I had it in me. They were out cold and we continued down a hallway. By the time we reached the office Julius' men had caught up to us so now we were all standing infront of the door.


The door was kicked down and there behind the desk was Zed seated. He had a gun in his hand as he stood up but he was outnumbered. The two men that was surrounding him had their guns aimed. I glared at him and he did the same. He knew who I was and he knew why I was here.

"Ah, you son of a bitch. The one who stole my precious Vanessa", he said still not dropping his gun. I didn't want anyone to get hurt but I couldn't guarantee that.

"Where is she?", I asked very seriously. All I wanted was her then we could leave.

"Well, I hate to disappoint you but she isn't here anymore. I had no more use for her so I sold her off".

His phone that was on the desk started ringing and I took that opportunity to go up to him. I fist him right in the mouth as he dropped the gun before grabbing his throat and pushing him on the table. I didn't know I had this other side to me but I was pissed.

"You fucking sold her!", I shouted in his as he tried to get my hands off. There was a knock at the door but we ignored it. Julius seemed more calm than anyone in this situation.

"Yes I sold her to Franco-

"-Who?", I asked as quietly as possible. My voice sounded deadly as I tried to register what I just heard.

"Franco Osvaldo"


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