🥀Chapter Fifty Nine🥀

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I tried to steady my breathing as I tried to figure out my next step. I took the left and made my way down the corridor. I was beyond scared of getting caught because this was my only chance. There was only a small amount of illumination in the place. I crept in the dark making sure to keep my eyes and ears peeled.

There was light coming from inside a room and I heard some shuffling. I tiptoed towards the room and peered in. There he was with his back turned looking at some files. One thing caught my eyes and that was his car keys. He started to move and I hurried to the small door I passed on my way.

I went inside and listened as his footsteps got nearer and then fade as he walked past. There was no light so I couldn't see what kind of room it was or find anything useful. I opened the door when I felt it was clear and peeked out. I took the chance and went inside the room he was. I took up the keys and dashed out before I started running.

I made my way down the huge stack of stairs before heading towards the door. It was locked but not with any regular lock. It required a password to open. I cursed before headed towards the other direction.


His voice echoed through the house and that's when my fear kicked in. I stopped when I reached where the kitchen and searched the drawers for any weapon. I took out a chef knife and held it to my chest. I heard his footsteps getting louder and louder before he appeared.

"Vanessa, you're beginning to piss me off. I thought I explained everything to you already. YOU'RE MINE!", he stated as he glared at me.

My heart was beating rapidly as I gripped the knife in my hands. His expression was deadly but I wasn't going to surrender just like that. The kitchen light was way too bright and was beginning to hurt my eyes.

"Vanessa, give me the knife", he said as he started coming towards me. He was taking small steps as he held his hand out for the knife. I moved away from him which each step making him more angry.

"Fuck Vanessa put down the knife. What are you gonna do with it? Kill me?". He started laughing before catching me off guard and coming towards me. I ran from the kitchen, heart beating faster as I heard his footsteps close behind me.

Before I could think about where to go next his hand came in contact with my hair and dragged me down. I fell on the floor hard coughing incessantly. He stood over me as I tried to catch my breath. I looked out the corner of my eye and before he could pull me up I had taken up the knife and it went through his skin.

"Aughh", he groaned in pain as he fell on top of me. Tears fell from my eyes as I realized what I had just done. The knife went through his side and his blood was oozing on my clothes. I pushed him off losing my conscious mind as I got up and stepped away.

"Am so sorry", I say as I left him and made my way upstairs. I heard him calling after me but I ignored it. I wiped as my eyes as I made my way to the room he was in. I opened the window and looked down. It was an average drop from here to the ground but I had no choice. I checked my pockets for the keys before going out on the roof.

The moon was of much help because the place was seriously dark. I slid down before coming off the roof completely and landing on the grass. I laid on my back for a few seconds as I tried to catch my breath. I heard the sounds of cars coming this way and I got up and limped towards one of the big bushes.

I was so tired and thirsty. My head was spinning and my breathing was becoming heavier and heavier by the second. Two cars showed up and made their way towards the door. The one who seemed to be the leader typed in a code and opened it. They seemed to be working for Franco.

There was no way I could get to the car without them knowing and coming after me so I ran. I ran until I was out of the house's view. I stood under a streetlight figuring out what to do next when I noticed a phone booth on the other side. I was about to cross the road but a car stopped right infornt of me.

I was about to take off but I realized who it was. The person hurriedly came out of the car. He looked at me for a few seconds before I broke down. Mordechai. He was here. He came for me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he held me really tight.

"Baby, are you hurt?", he asked pulling away and checking my body. He saw the blood and that's when more tears fell.

"I I didn't mean to it was an accident am sorry-

"- It's ok baby, I'm here".

He held me for a few more seconds as I tried to calm down. I felt safe in his arms that I never want to let him go.

"Is that Franco's blood?", a man in a suit came beside us and asked. I didn't know who he was but that didn't matter to me. They seemed to be the ones who was helping Mordechai.

"Yes it is...I tried to escape but he pulled me back and I reacted and stabbed him am so sorry", I say as I broke down once more. This was hard. I didn't even know if he was alive or not.

"So that means he's dead?".

"I don't know. Some men in cars showed up after it happened. They seemed to be working for him", I replied as he nod in understanding.

"So that means he will be fine. That's if he hasn't died already.", the man said before walking off to use his phone.

"Baby, none of this is your fault ok? I'm here now and am taking you home and I'm never letting you go again ok?", Mordechai say as he kissed me and opened the car door.

Devin was seated inside and he gave me a hug. I rested my head against his chest and closed my eyes. The car was started and then it drove off. I did it. I didn't give up. I fought back and I made it. I wasn't going to stay a captive for Franco for the rest of my life. A part of me wanted to not care if he was dead or alive but if he died I would have murder on my hands.

I wasn't a criminal. But it was self defense. I couldn't control my instincts and I wanted to be free. But what if he really was dead? Would his men come to hunt me down? I couldn't handle that. I only wanted to be free. From Zed then to Franco. I knew Chai and the men would've done something to Zed to get info on where I was because he's the only one who knew.

He sold me off so I don't think he should be coming after me again. Well, I hope so. I just pray that Alexa will have the courage to leave one day and make a life of her own. Everyone deserves their freedom.

"Babe, stop overthinking ok? Try and get some sleep alright?", Mordechai say as I nod as I was too drained to even speak. Devin rubbed my shoulder as I adjusted my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and let the darkness consumed me.


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