🥀Chapter Sixty🥀

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"Give me the knife Vanessa".

I held the knife tighter in my hands as I looked at him. My breathing was heavy and my legs were getting weak. His face was becoming more serious as the seconds went by.

He started to come towards me and I ran out of the kitchen. He pulled me back by my hair erupting a scream from my chest. I fell on the floor hard and before he could pull me up I ran the knife through his side. His blood started to ooze out on my clothes

No, no, no am sorry!


I jumped up with a heartwrenching scream. My breathing was heavy as I looked around the room. I saw Mordechai rushing towards me and I held my hands out and wrapped them around him.

"It's ok baby am here, I'm here", he said as he held me close to him. I was on top of him as I rest my head against the crook of his neck. He rubbed my back as he tried to soothe me.

"It was a terrible nightmare", I say as I pulled away and looked at him. He wiped my eyes then I realized that I was crying. I was traumatized. I couldn't stop thinking about what I did. I try to tell myself it wasn't my fault but what if he had died? Would I be a murderer?

"Baby, please. I know it's hard but don't blame yourself. You're here now, safe and that's all that mattered. I'm here and am not leaving ok?", he says as I nod before kissing him. I really missed him. I never thought I'd be missing someone so much.

"I'm going make you some breakfast while you take a shower, we have somewhere to go", he stated before kissing me in the head. He stood up and left the room. I wanted to clear my head from what happened. I want to just forget and never think about it again. I released a deep sigh before getting up and going to the bathroom.

I spent about five minutes brushing my teeth before I took off Mordechai's shirt and went into the shower. I scrubbed myself as hard as I could trying to get rid of Franco's touch. I knew it was futile but I felt dirty and disgusted. I washed my hair and when I was finished I washed off. The dirt flowing off my body which made me feel cleansed.

After turning off the tap I left the bathroom with a towel around me. I went to his closet and took out a shirt and one of his jogger pants. After putting them on I looked at myself in the mirror. My face was beyond pale, my lips were dry and my eyes were red.

I looked like death itself.

I left the room and made my to the kitchen. My body felt weak because I was so hungry. I didn't know how long I will be having these nightmares for so I might have to get some meds to carry me through the nights. I feel no remorse for what I did to him but what if he didn't survive? I couldn't possibly consider myself a murderer.

Mordechai was whipping up something and I took a seat on one of the stools. The smell made my mouth watered. He glanced at me and a smile came to his lips. I returned it before he handed me a plate packed with food. I took it happily as he came around the table and wrap his arms around my waist.

"You look good in my clothes", he say kissing my neck in the process. His lips lingeries for a few seconds which made me bite my lip. I really did miss his touch.

"Am gonna take a shower then we can go. Make sure you eat everything ok baby?".

"Mmhh", I say as I looked at him. I really didn't feel like talking. His lips reached out and captured mine and I kissed back. I turned around on the stool so I was now fully facing him. I wrapped my legs around his torso as he devoured my lips. We kissed for the next few minutes before he pulled away.

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