The New Kid

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Charli was an ordinary student in senior high. She did well at school but was usually an introvert. And thought that she would never be interested in her love life. But something was about to change.

One day, during the start of the school day, the teacher of the class announced a new student who just transferred from another state of the country.

"Okay class, we have a new student today, his name is Light. Why don't you come on up here and introduce yourself?" Said the teacher gesturing Light to come to the front of the class.

A person with a violet hoodie and a black mask stood up. He had his hood on and just kept looking down at the floor all the time. Obviously Light was a shy kid.

It didn't take long before some of the notorious school bullies in the class started making fun of him.

"Hey weirdo. Did you spot a penny on the floor or something?" Said one of the teens.

And soon, the whole class was laughing. Except Charli.

"Hey, Don't make fun of him! Apologize, now." Yelled the teacher which made the class shut up.

"Ugh why do I have to apologize to this weirdo?!" The teen talked back.

"That's it. Detention, now!" The teacher said having enough of his bullying.

"Ugh whatever!" The teen exclaimed storming out of the classroom.

"Light I'm so sorry for his unacceptable behavior." The teacher said to Light, who was still standing in front of the desk he stood up from.

Light: ...It's fine.

A beautiful voice was heard as Light said those words. Pretty soon all of the girls in the classroom started whispering to each other about who this mysterious transferee was.

Light ignored the faint whispers and made his way to the front of the class. When he was right next to the teacher, Light suddenly tilted his face upwards to face the entire classroom. All the girls tried to see what he looked like but the hood over his face casted a shadow over his entire face.

Light started introducing himself with his beautiful voice again in which, the girls fell in love with already.

One girl was in a relationship and her partner was sitting right next to her. The guy didn't like it when she was looking and listening at him like all the other girls. And he pulled her back once Light had finished his introduction and was midway walking back at the back of the class, startling her.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Questioned the guy.

"Wait w-what do you mean?" Responded the girl trying to play dumb.

"Oh don't act so innocent, I literally saw you checking out the new guy!" The guy exclaimed but now to loud as not to draw attention.

"What...? I wasn't checking him out!" Said the girl doing the same as him as to not draw attention.

"Then why were you looking at him like that?" The guy asked her almost in an angry tone.

"Weren't all the girls looking at him like that?" She asked back.

"Yeah... But we're the only one in a relationship? Did you forget that as well because this guy was all "Fancy and has a good voice"?" The guy said in a mockingly tone towards the last part.

"No! I don't even know what he looks like." Exclaimed the girl a bit louder trying to defend herself.

"Exactly. You don't even know what he looks like. Yet you're checking him out like all the other girls despite you being the only girl in a relationship!" Said the guy who got carried away and raised his voice. In which, the teacher and pretty much all of the class heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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