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They had dinner silently. Nam doesn't dare to ask anything but Jungkook waits for him to ask, to talk. because he wanted to tell him everything. The real truth of him. he is also afraid of what he will think of him or how he will react. He already has seen his worst reaction.

" I will wash the dishes. You can go and sleep. "

Jungkook doesn't say anything. So he collected the dishes and took them to the kitchen. He was busy doing the dishes when Jungkook stood behind him.

" Can I ask you something?"

Namjoon stopped and washing his hands turned around.

" you can ask me whatever you want. I already told you about me. if there is something that you still don't know.... yeah you can ask me."

crossing his arms in his chest he leaned on the counter. eager to know what he's going to ask. hoping for something that he would love to answer.

" It's not about you. it's about me. I have decided what I will do next. I will manage everything. So the thing is..... "

That's a good decision. but what he will do? Nam straightens up

" Are you thinking of going to the police? if you are..." Jungkook interrupted.

" Definitely NO. That's not in my mind. But why are keep asking me to go to the police? do you want me to go to jail? So desperate Namjoon? "

Namjoon panicked. he doesn't fight after having dinner together. this time tried to calm down. he will make it worse than it already has been.

" Oh my god, Jungkook you misunderstood my point. listen forget what I want or what I don't. just tell me what you want to ask. huh? "

Nam stares at each other. Jungkook had to be brave enough to get rejected. because he knows very well Namjoon will deny it in a second without even thinking. but he had tried for someone.

" Will you....."

Namjoon waited for him to say and jungkook bit his lower lips and sighed. he rubs his chest to calm down her heartbeat felt like it was speeding more than usual.

" Will You waste a night with me? "

Jungkook closed his eyes immediately after finishing what he asked. waiting for a hard slap on his cheeks as Nam has done before.

" What do you mean by that? don't tell me you're asking me to sleep with you. Just because I kissed you. listen I was overwhelmed that's..why did it. Don't think it's because I wanted to kiss you or I like you."

Jungkook frowned at him. And then Nam realised what he said. So embarrassed he turned around and began to wash the dishes again. Wishing jungkook was to evacuate from there.

But what jungkook did he doesn't expect him to do. He wrapped his arms around his waist. Pressing his chest to his back and hooking his chin on his shoulder.

" I will Go back to the bar. I don't have another option. Maybe by working there I can take or steal my passport, and my ID cards. So before going there, I want to spend a night with you."

Nam was surprised listening to him. He wanted to turn around and ask why he was not taking his help instead of going back to that shitty bar. but he already had tried and jungkook denied it.

Waste It On Me : Namkook ✓Where stories live. Discover now