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Noon 12p.m.

The sun rays fell on Nandini through the window making her stir in sleep, the phone ring disturbed her sleep as she sat on the bed annoyed, she looked towards her phone on the side table with half opened eyes, palming her eyes and rubbing it to shoo away the sleep she picked up the phone without sparing a glance at the caller id.

"........"She sat on the bed straight, and all her sleep went away and a serious look formed on her face.

"Yeah don't worry I'm on it "she said, and soon the call hung up.

She stared at the phone screen for a few seconds, her expressions hardened, anger filled in her eyes, and jaw clenched.

Throwing the phone on the bed,she pushed herself up, and walked towards the washroom


Nandini walked into the corridors, scrolling through her phone and humming some song, she wore a black crop top with denim shorts and her hairs tied into a high ponytail, earphones stuffed into her ears, as she made her way searching for Manik, who was nowhere to be seen since she woke.

"Nancy"the soft familiar voice gained her attention , making her look away from the phone to the person standing in front of her.


She stood there with a file in her hand and phone near her ear.

"Will call you back later Domenico"she said and disconnected the call, Nandini stared at her from up to down who wore a white shirt with black jeans and her hairs braided, but out off all this the main thing which gained her attention was the engagement ring she had on her finger.

"Adriano told me you are here...sorry I didn't come to see you yesterday...but how are you?"she chirped excitedly and a grin formed on her face.

"None of your business"Nandini said curtly, making Natasha frown,rolling her eyes. Nandini walked past her, stuffing her phone in her pocket, while the music played in her earphones.

"WHERE IS MR. MALHOTRA" Nandini asked the servant, picking up an apple from the basket as she walked into the kitchen.

"He is in the study"

"Study,"she said, frowning.

"How boring!"she rolled her eyes, biting the apple.

Manik's pov:

I had to look into the mafia business that Antonio handled all this long, to be honest, I really didn't wanted to leave watching her sleep and coming here downstairs for this stupid work, but I had no option left other than that, I had to look over the details collected by Nick, about the dealers here. So that I could bribe them and team up with us.

Manan:Devil's Sacrificed Love(Completed✅)Where stories live. Discover now