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Mountainous Region, Seaside Island

Within the mountainous region of Seaside Island stood a middle aged magenta female hedgehog hastily holding her daughter, Amy Rose's hand

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Within the mountainous region of Seaside Island stood a middle aged magenta female hedgehog hastily holding her daughter, Amy Rose's hand. They raced from river bridge through mountainous region of Seaside Island.

They were frantically running away from a band of three identical weasel bandits and 5 cat bandits who was lead by a one eyed cap Walrus wearing a ripped sleeve and loose black cross collar top.

They're the lightning bolt society from another dimension. These identical weasel bandits wore similar uniforms as their Sonic Boom counterparts but the walrus was not naked like his Sonic Boom counterpart. Furthermore, these hooligans were stronger and more competent than their Sonic Boom counterpart.

The weasel bandits took out their laser blade once they reached closer proximity toward them. The young girl trembled in fear for a while but she remembered the time her mother taught her basic martial art skills and swordsmanship. The 7 years old pink hedgehog flipped her body up across the sky then she performed a kick toward the weasel bandit. While the 7 years old pink hedgehog was agile and graceful, her fighting skills was still rudimentary at best. The red bandana weasel bandits managed to leap higher than her and subdue her. Luckily, her mother interfered before he managed to injure the little girl. The middle aged magenta female put her daughter safely to the ground whilst stood in offense toward the bandits.

"Mom.. Mom....", a little girl screamed.

"Amy, run!!", a middle aged Magenta female hedgehog screamed.

"What about you, mom?", a little girl asked.

"Just go!! I'll take care of them.", a middle aged hedgehog insisted.

"Ok, mother.", a little girl said.

The little girl continued her run while her mother distract the bandits. Amy's mother pulled out her wushu sword and stand in fighting position. With her limited martial art capability , she stood out to fight the bandits with a touch of bravery, agility and elegance. As she sprang her sword back and forth, she managed to take down 5 cat bandits.

5 cat bandits shot guns with but Amy's mother managed to dodge gun thanks to her enhanced speed and reflex. After all, she used to be a warrior before Amy's mother was married. Blood over blood, she appeared just like she was dancing with several people.

Regardless, her inferior fighting skills took a toll over her as she was knocked down by the leader of the bandit in the middle of the fight. She tried to stand up. Unfortunately, she was struck down when Willy Walrus pushed his leg down to her back. It was a hard blow that she vomited a lots of blood before she lost her breathe and died.

The little girl suddenly looked behind to see the corpse of her mother in long distance. Her face went in horror as she viewed her mother's corpse. How tragic! 'MOTHERRR', Amy Rose screamed in her heart.

Hey, guys. Sorry this is short but it would be elaborated later.

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