A Normal Day.

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Look at them, aren't they cute ? Yeah, I know I love them a little too much but it's not my fault, it's Hoyoverse fault to make such lovable characters okay? Anyway, sorry for not writing more chapters but I was taking a little break.


"I'm home!" I said as I kick the door, in the middle of the night. Fu Hua quickly arrives in front of me with a smile on her face. "You finally came back..." She said as a smug smile appeared on my face.
"Oh? Missed me?" I said smugly, and she hugged me. "Obviously, being alone isn't really fun, you know..." Her hug caught me off guard but I gladly responded her hug by doing the same.

I entered in the house and sat on the couch, it was an exhausting trip but a good one at least. I sighed and saw Fu Hua preparing something. "What are you doing?" I asked as she had a small smirk on her, oh no... What will she do to me...?
"Ehe, you'll see..." No... I don't want to see what she'll do. "W-well, I'm going to take shower while you do your... thing..." I said as I get up from the couch and in the bathroom.

Taking a shower when being a girl is a little difficult, washing long hair is really a difficult after all. As I finished showering myself, I took a towel and starts drying my hair then my body. I heard Fu Hua saying something through the door. "Do you need help?" I got a little embarrassed but I quickly answered. "Y-yeah... You can..." I unlock the door and opened it, Fu Hua entered the room and started to help me. "T-thank you..." I said as I was blushing way to much. "Oh, it's nothing. I'll go get your clothes okay?" I nodded and stayed in the bathroom. "Here it is..." She handed me the outfit which was a simple white shirt and very short shorts.

"Thanks." I thanked as I lock the door behind and started to put the clothes she gave me. I unlocked the door and sat on the couch, I was really tired... So, since I didn't want to know what Fu Hua prepared, I'm going to sleep...

The next day...

I woke up because of the light, and I felt something, no, someone next to me. It was Fu Hua who has her two arms on my waist. I tried to get her arms off me but... This woman's grip is strong! I gave up and stayed on the couch with her. When we'll go out together, I'm going to buy her a plush. I tried to take my phone but I couldn't move at all... I'll try to wake her up... "C'mon old timer! Get off me now!" I ordered as I shaked her. I could see her eyes opening a little. "OI! Get your hands off me now!" I yelled as her eyes opened widely and get her hands off me.

"I'm sorry for this..." She said, yawning a little. "I forgive you if you don't do this again, ok?" She didn't say anything, I'll take that as an okay... "Anyway, prepare yourself. We'll have a girls day out." I said, getting up from the couch. "Um... With who?" She asked as I looked at her like she was an idiot. "With the beautiful me of course!" I said, proudly. "No one else?" I nodded. "Yeah, what's the problem?" I asked, a little confused. "Oh, it's nothing..." She said with an awkward smile. "Very well, take your clothes and we'll go." I said and she nodded.

Timeskip :

We were in the middle of the city as I didn't actually know where we were going but Fu Hua asked if we can go to the arcade. I nodded as I tried to find the arcade. "Do you really know where the arcade is?" Fu Hua asked me and I awkwardly answer. "Y-yeah, of course, who do you think I am? A weakling? I am really good at orienting myself." I obviously didn't know where it was, maybe I can this guy over there. "Sir, could you please tell me where the arcade is?" I asked as the guy turn around and smiled. "Of course! Here, I'll guide you." The stranger said as we followed his lead. The stranger led us to some kind of shady alley, don't tell me... Oh, he's that kind of cliché thugs from those fanfic and stories, right?

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