Devil Town hcs

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I : Michelle taught Hayley how to do makeup.

II: When Michelle was little she planned out her wedding in great detail, she also planned Nancy and Hayley would be her maids off honor.

III: When Jonathan got his record player he turned it up to the max volume. Him, Will and Hayley were dancing in the living room for hours on that weekend while Joyce was working and Lonnie was god knows.

IV: Whenever Hayleys sad and she's with Steve he will always slowly slip his hand around her waist and pull her into a tight hug and rock back and forth like they're dancing.

V: When the 3 Byers kids were building castle Byers, Hayley hit her finger with the hammer and screamed really loud, but instead of crying she started uncontrollable laughing and then Will and Jonathan did too.

VI: At Starcourt Mall there's a 50's like diner where Hayley and Cory work as waiters/ waitresses and they have to use roller skates. Cory was a natural but Hayley..she was awful. Cory had to give her lessons. She soon became REALLY good at it, so she would speed down the back hallways and sneak into scoops ahoy just to scare Steve. She and Robin bonded over annoying Steve.

VII: Laney loves to ski and ice skate.

VIII: Michelle always wanted to be a princess when she grew up but she never wanted a prince charming and she never knew why. She soon realized she always played princess with Nancy.

IX: When Steve first got the job at Scoops ahoy Hayley teased him so much about the uniform.

X: Hayley loves to steal Steve's green sweater.

XI: Michelle's parents have a lake house and would take the 3 (Michelle, Nancy, and Hayley) girls down every spring break.

XII: Every. Michelle had Hayley give her a princess crown.

XIII: Nancy, Michelle, and Hayley all shape rounded at the snowball and Michelle started dancing like mosh pit dancing with all the middle schoolers.

XIV: Hayley loves strawberry milkshakes.

XV: Hayley loves flowers so she would always get so excited when Steve got them for her.

XVI: Hayley would help Steve with practicing basketball.

XVII: Steve always tells Hayley she has pretty eyes.

XVIII: Steve and Hayley meet at Hawkins swim, and she would always get so competitive with him.

XIX: Chrissy and Hayley did the dance together in the middle school show.

XX: When the group was in danger Steve would always grab Hayleys hand and swing her behind him.

XXI: Before Hayley left Cali to go to Hawkins for spring break she woke up really early to give him his birthday present.

XXII: Hayleys scared off roller coasters.

XXIII: Robin would write Hayley all the time and she would ramble in all her writing too.

XXIV: At Hawkins swim Steve would always push Hayley in the pool and the coach would yell at him.

XXV: Hayley loves scrunchies.

XXVI: Hopper tries his best to get close to Hayley but she doesn't like cops but they end up getting really close.

XXVII: Robin and Cory are #1 Stayley shippers.

XXVIII: Hayley calls Eddie emo and he hates it.

XXIX: Hayley and Eddie were also friends in middle school because they were both considered freaks but as they got older they drifted.

XXX: El would sleep in Haley's room when she got nightmares.

XXXI: When Steve first jumped out of the boat into the water to check out watergate Hayley immediately jumped in after and he yelled at her underwater.

XXXII: Hayley was shocked when she saw Steve's  chest hair.

XXXIII: Hayley gets cold easily and she has naturally cold hands, so Steve would always hold her hand to warm her up.

XXXIV: Hayley gets scared to order food at restaurants.

XXXV: Hayley let's El borrow her clothes.

XXXVI: Nancy always steals Hayleys sweaters.

XXXVII: Hayley braids argyles hair.

XXXVIII: Will teaches Hayley how to paint.

XXXIX: Jonathan always teases Hayley how he's 4 minutes older.

XL: Hayley thought she was adopted because she was the only one in her family with blonde hair.

XLI: Hayley was SO bad at shotgunning beers at Steve's party he had to help her, and Michelle was really good at it.

XLII: Joyce always talked to Hayley about Hopper.

XLIII: Hayley would play legos with Will when he was little.

XLIV: Hayley loves pancakes.

XLV: When Hayley was little she mixed up the word sibling and twin and said twibling so now Her and Jonathan call each other twibling as an inside joke. (even funner fact: I did that on call w someone it was v embracing.)

Authors note: I will randomly update whenever I think of more, sad is next then my others books

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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