ಠ_ಠThe story behind the hair ಠ_ಠ

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Thx for 26 readers it may not seem like a lot of people but to me im happy and it makes me want to do more (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞



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Your life was not the best

When you where little you got into trouble cause you helped people steal food and clothes yeah pretty cliché huh this take place when you were five let's begin
"Ma I beat him up cause he said stuff about you" says the 5 year old girl

"If I let every comment bother heck I be in jail child I don't care what they say about me and u shouldn't either" said the beautiful mother

"But mom." The girl was cut off "but nothing girl now eat before it gets cold"
"Yes Ma'am"

{Time skipped brought to by uncle ruckus being racist}

I was out walking then I saw someone get picked on so I rushed over and punched the first guy I saw (small time skip) I beat them all but definitely got scratched up but that's fine

"Are you okay" I say I see the person who was getting bullied was this guy with white hair seems really shy and a easy target for getting bullied

"Y yeah thank u" he said while looking down "well that's good I was worried my name is y/n what's yours"
"My name is Alec I'm sorry that u had to do tha-"
He got cut off  "hey it's fine you're my friend now so I'll always protect you"

And like that you and Alec became best friends always together u always protected him and he always healed u and got you out of trouble

You two were inseparable even but it all changed for the worst
Your mom gave birth to your siblings but died 6 months after birth leaving you and your siblings by your self but u managed your dad gave you enough money to survive
Alec stayed by your side helping you

But like I said it all changed for the worst
One day your dad came and took the twins

You said as you tried to get the twin back from your dad

"it's to late for me to take care of u so I thought I might as well look after them"

You say falling to your knees
"This is for the better they have a bright future plus your a damn sorcerer and a female one at that"
And like that he took them

"DAMN YOU I HATE YOU" you say Alec rushed to you and hugged you shaking and that day you vowed to show him females can be good sorcerers and get the twins back you're sure that they won't forget you
"Pls wait for me till than"

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>I'm sorry for late post but I changed something's I will edit this later but thx to all the people reading

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I'm sorry for late post but I changed something's I will edit this later but thx to all the people reading

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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