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It all happened so fast . It was to the point where you were at a loss for words .
" Mom ! "
You couldn't comprehend every sight before you .
" Run far , Y/N ! "
Your feet were numb .
" But Mom -- ! "
You were shoved away .
" Go ! ! "
How you wish you knew how to fight .
Although , you were only 12 at the time .
Tears fell down your cheeks , mostly out of fear and despair .
" Father ! "
You couldn't believe it .
" Sister ! "
Everyone was taken away from you .
And there you were , sobbing on the snow . You heard cries and wails in the distance . Curiousity got the best of you as you went towards the sound .
A man in a mismatched haori holding a girl in a pink kimono by the wrists . There was another man on his knees with a checkered haori , begging for the other man to let the girl go .
You hid behind a tree , curious on what the checkered man was wailing about .
" Please ! Let the girl go ! " The checkered man pleaded . " She's my sister , you see ! "
" Sister ! "
The girl was shaking , trying to get out of the mismatched haori man's grasp .
" The girl is obviously a demon . " The mismatched haori man said . " Did you not know that when she was attacking you a few moments ago ? "
The girl was a demon .
" Mom ! "
" Father ! "
" Sister ! "
Memories flashed through your mind from just a few minutes ago . You finally knew what happened to your family .
A demon attacked .
While you were out retrieving the ball that you and your sister was playing with , your family was being murdered .
" Please ! She hasn't eaten anyone ! Nor harm anyone ! " The checkered haori man pleaded once more .
The mismatched man held up a katana that read ' Destroy Demons ' on it up near the girl's neck . The checkered haori man grabbed a hatchet and ran through the forest . He threw a stone at the mismatched haori man before charging towards the man . The mismatched haori man knocked the other man out , his limp body falling onto the soft but crunchy snow . The hatchet came flying at the mismatched haori man , but he dodged it .