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I arrived at school with Lucy after telling her everything. "Dang he sounds hot. I wanna see him now" Lucy chuckled. "Careful luc your my wife remember" I winked at Lucy and she jokingly winked back.

We spoke as we walked into our class room and sat down. We sat together so that's one good thing. I can't stand anyone in my tutor so I'm glad Lucy is with me. I would've gone insane a lonnng time ago. Tutor started and about 10 minutes in a tall curly haired figure walked into our classroom. "Oh yes class how did I forget? We have a new student joining us!" Miss smith announced. "His name is jamie. Jamie would you like to introduce yourself?" Jamie looked at her confused. "Well you just said the only bit of information that people need and deserve to know. So may I sit?" "Lose the attitude. Take a seat infront of nova." Jamie sat down infront of me... how did he know who I was? I sat frozen in my seat. I elbowed Lucy harder than I meant to. "OW? What was that for??" I was only trying to get her to realise who was sitting infront of me. Everyone looked back including a certain someone. (We were on the row furthest to the back). Lucy then realised that he matched my description of him and held in a laugh. I was just trying to ignore everything by writing the date in my tutor notepad. I felt eyes gazing at me so I lifted my head only to meet eyes with jamie. Dang his eyes are hot. He smirked at me and our eye contact was broken as he turned around. I could feel my heart racing in my chest. "Is everything alright Lucy?" Miss smith asked looking slightly concerned. "Oh - Uh yeah miss sorry I was just daydreaming." Lucy smiled. "Good to know that my lessons are entertaining you." Miss smith rolled her eyes and dismissed us. "Nova , jamie stay behind."Miss smith requested. "Miss im gonna be late for art, may we make this quick? My art teacher gets very upset if someone is late." I folded my arms and smiled. "Yes okay I will get straight to it. So I have looked at your timetables and you happen to have the same lessons. So I thought you, Nova, would stay with Jamie today and show him to his classes." My eyes turned to look at him stood next to me and I could practically feel his smirk. I looked back at miss smith and smiled trying so hard not to look back at his eyes. "Yes of course I can do that. Whatever helps." I fake smiled.She smiled back. " off you go then, you don't wanna be to late."

We left the classroom in a hurry. We walked half way to art in silence but I could practically feel the tension and it was killing me. It felt like I already know him.But I don't know where from. I asked him a question to end the awkwardness. " So, you like to draw or paint?" His eyes scanned up and down my body sending butterflies to places there shouldn't be butterflies. He scoffed and grabbed my arm dragging me into an empty classroom. His hands were soft and cold and he had some really cold rings on.As we got into the empty classroom I fought him off of me. "Hey! Do you mind? Personal space exists you kno" he cut me off by pulling me closer towards him and he smashed his lips against mine. I froze. His lips were so soft. I kinda liked it... I pulled away from him. "Sorry but I don't even know who you are" I turned my head away from him. "Oh come on nov.You don't remember me? He smirked. Nov... only one person calls me nov. Oh god. "Jamie white?!" "Yea can't believe you didn't remember me nov." " I'm so sorry! It's been so long I thought you moved away?" I pulled him into a hug. He smelt good. We broke away from the hug. "Well yeah I moved back you Mellon" "Shut up." "So in the shop..." he took a step closer to me and I could feel the tension lingering between us.I took a step back hitting the wall and he followed infront of me and he put his arm on the wall. "If you weren't staring becuase your realised it was me.. why were you?" he whispered in my ear. I looked up meeting his gaze. My belly was doing some weird movements. "We're late for class, Jamie." I pulled away and walked out leaving him trailing behind me. We both got a detention for being late but luckily we have the Christmas holidays so we do it when we get back. Thankfully he was sat across the room so far from me. I started doing my art work. I could feel eyes on me but i looked at jamie and it wasn't him. I glimpsed at mr linnen and it turns out it was him. Weird. I ignored it. So many thoughts ran through my head. They were all about Jamie. We met ages ago when we were neighbours. We had a little group although jamie was always my favourite. But why did he kiss me? Maybe it was because he caught me staring multiple times.

Time passes by and it's the end of the lesson. Me and Jamie don't speak for the rest of the day. He didn't know where he was going to classes though so he just followed behind me at a distance. It's the end of the day now and I make my way to the local library. I meet with my mum and we find a table. "So how was your last day?" My aunty asks. I chose not to mention jamie becuase it would be weird. "Yeah my last day was good thank you but boring as usual aha" I let out a fake laugh. (Not in a rude way.) "well I need to let you know that we are meeting with the whites at their winter lodge tomorrow so we need to do some last minute packing tonight." I froze. Is that why he spoke to me or kissed me? "Oh wow we haven't seen them in so long, im looking forward to it" I force a smile. Shit shit shit. A few hours pass and it's time to chose a free book. I chose after! Then we leave to go and pack. This whole thing is insane. What in the world. I finished packing and hopped into bed  with thoughts pacing through my mind. My mind was set on jamie.I couldn't help but think about his grip on me.His lips were soft and he was a good kisser. I wanna go in for seconds.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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