Chapter 17: Billy & Vivi

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Andrea's pov:

Hey! It's me Andre- *clears throat* Vivienne Westwood aka Vivi. And here my rich master- *clears throat* Billy Bowden just stepped in.

So as planned, I'll be a rich material gurl (british accent) and here my husband is a rich mafia. God. Nobody is as excited as me for today's party.

"Stop the melodrama, Andrea", Kavinsky said.

"Hey! Vivi, call me Vivi! You've to practise it"

"Okay babe. Vivi, stop the fucking drama".

I scoffed and sat on the edge of the bed. Kavinsky is arranging something and when he's finished, he sat beside me. "You can do it, right?"

"I think you can't do it. I'm pro"

He stopped talking for few minutes and keep staring at me. "How you came up with these names?"

"So, i always thought that I'll call my boyfriend Billy and, he will call me Vivi so-"

"Wait! You wanna call your boyfriend with that name? You-"

"OKAY! CUT! PLEASE", I tried to change the topic. "We will ace in that party"

"Gosh. Please An- Vivi, don't create any scene. That'd be so bad. Plus, you know the plan right?"

"Yes sir!", I said excitedly. He gently pat my head making me blush.

He stood up and looked at his watch. "Let's go"


"Vivi, it's not like you can go to that party wearing my hoodies, right? We're going to shopping. Meanwhile, you can see the daylight after so many days", he winked.

"REALLY? Wow!"

"Yes so go get dressed".

God! I've never been so happy. I can't even believe I'm driving through the streets of Venice. This city is beautiful! Tall buildings and well-dressed ladies and men are everywhere. Oh god! I don't really think this is a hell.

We entered into one of the biggest shopping Mall of Italy. It's so big and it seems luxurious and maybe the price here is too- huh! Why do I care? My fake husband is a billionaire.

I walked into the mall holding Kavinsky's arm, wearing my black sunglasses. We matched dresses as we both wear black. I'm really feeling like a rich material girl.

*This song's playing in the background*🤡

Kavinsky went to find some dresses I don't know maybe. I waited at the counter and keep chit chattering with the cash holder when my eyes rested on Kavinsky and a worker dragging a clothes rack. Kavinsky instantly smiled at me and I can't help but smile back.

I've never seen such beautiful dresses in my life. They're all comfy and fashionable. Still, I managed to choose a black dressing but my fake husband bought all the dresses. Rich ass jerk.

We walked out of the shop as we're heading to our car. Two bodyguards are walking beside us, guarding. I hold Kavinsky's hand. "I really feel like a rich wife", i said.

"Well, you can make this happen in real too", he winked. God.

"Ew. I'll never, sorry!"

He squeezed my hand and then noticed that there's no ring on my hand. He observed it carefully as I panicked. "Where's the ring I gave you last night?"

"Oh that-", i cleared my throat. "I- i threw it on that girl's face and told her to fix her face. I'm sorry that costed-"

"That was my mother's ring", he deadpanned and i stopped walking. I put my hand on my mouth. Kavinsky looked at me then rolled his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me that earlier? WHAT! I can't forgive myself!", I almost cried when Kavinsky said with a laugh,

"Chill. I was kidding. That wasn't my mother's ring. Moreover, I'll never give her ring to anyone but to someone special"

I sighed with a relief. "You gave me a mini heartattack"

He took my hand and started walking again. "I told you I can buy you thousands rings like that"

"Rich ass jerk!", I chuckled.

"What you want to eat?"

We went to a big restaurant and ate some delicious meals and tasted desserts. We then rode to his mansion. When I walked inside, everyone was shocked to see me in a dress like that and me walking with Kavinsky. I felt genuinely bad for them cause I'll be going to a party but they're working.

And here I'm, sitting on his bed, wearing my outfit. Kavinsky's out for something and he'll come back soon. I stood up and started at myself in the mirror. Bad rich bitch.

Kavinsky stepped in as he stood beside me, putting his hands on his pocket. "Pretty!", He whispered. I chuckled. "Don't create any scene, Miss Pretty Handerson", he said softly, smilling.

"I won't, Mr. Handsome Kavinsky".

He chuckled as he glided his hands from my waist to my lower abdomen and suddenly something happened in my stomach. I looked down cause I can't help blushing. He put his mouth on my collarbone and pressed his lips against it. I'm still looking down, softly moaning.

"What you're doing, Kavinsky?", I whispered.

"Giving my wife kisses and love. Call me Billy babe",

"Oh- yeah Billy"

We headed for the party where every mafia will be present. You're thinking maybe everyone specially Rex will know Kavinsky but no. He's wearing a cap, a peach coloured coat and a black turtleneck. He's disguised as some new mafia and he made a identity card for him and me too. No one will know him obviously! Or..

We put out foot into the hall where I saw everyone enjoying, laughing, slowly dancing to the songs, sipping wine and discussing about business. I hold Kavinsky's arm cause I'm too nervous. I can't believe that I'm doing a mafia mission!

As we entered the guard stopped us. "I'd card?", He asked.

Kavinsky put out his card and showed him. I did too. "May we go now?"

"You guys seem suspicious!", The guard said and I'm already sweating.

"Heyy? How dare you say dat? We seem suspicious? We brought our own cah! We're mafias! You want-", Kavinsky stopped me.

"Let us go. We're new. You must've heard of Billy Bowden?"

"Maybe I've heard", the other guard said. "Ayy, let them go you dumbass! We can't treat our guests like that. Please come sir"

We entered, sighing. "They have the guts to talk like that infront of a mafia?"

"They're talking because I'm Billy not Andrew. Got it, babe?"

I hummed. I don't know what's more waiting. This is so exhausting. Kavinsky tucked my arm and indicated me to look at someone. I saw Rex, sitting, drinking the beer. I hold my breathe cause this is the man I've to seduce. God- help!

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