Ye Bernard, Frankie Dudley, and Schadenfreude

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Ye Bernard was a boy of a chubby build, with dark brown fur and brown eyes. A brown bear. Almost the jock, almost handsome, almost cool but more goofy than anything else. He tries way too hard to be popular and doesn't realize what people really think of him. Ye doesn't realize everyone in University of Aster City thinks he's an idiot. He only proves them right with his antics.

Ye is moving along Prosperity Street. He has his headphones and bopping his head to his music. Ye comes to a building centrally located in the heart of Prosperity Street. A huge, monstrosity that's bigger than the local bank. The red letter sign in front reads ASTRO THEATERS

Saying Ye Bernard was desperate for work was a complete and utter understatement. Ye and Mandy briefly dated before she started going out with Corey. Ye claimed he dumped Mandy but Mandy dumped him for coyote Corey Forrest. Unlike most of the football players at University of Aster City, he was actually nice. Over six feet tall. And handsome. No wonder Mandy was going out with him. Three months ago, Ye Bernard dropped out of University of Aster City. Two bullies named Ashley Bradway and Aaron Anderson poured a bucket of tomato juice on Erica Harris, a raccoon with pink hair and blue eyes, and Ye's friend. The humiliation that day was the reason Ye dropped out.

The theater was completely empty except for him and he felt uncomfortable in the tense silence. He should really stop watching horror movies alone in a big dark theater. But they were so much fun! He always wanted more from horror movies but never knew what that was. All he knew was he was addicted to horror movies like an addict to drugs. Totally, completely hopeless and helplessly addicted. Horror movies were his drug.

Frankie Dudley is a badass CEO of Lockjaw Corporation, she is heading to the movie theater to relax. In one theater there's an action movie titled Die Already 4, in the second theater there's a children's animated movie titled Neurotic Toys, and in the third theater there's only one person, a brown bear. It took Ye Bernard a moment to realize Frankie Dudley had entered the movie theater where his current horror marathon was playing. He let out a sigh of relief.

"Hello," Ye said.

"Hello?" Frankie questions.

"You like horror movies?" Ye asks.

Frankie responds, "I just wanted to relax and you were the only person who was at the movie theater."

"My ex loved horror movies...Sorry, I'm being rude. I'm Ye Bernard. Do you want popcorn? Soda? Candy?" Ye asks.

"Popcorn and soda," Frankie responds.

Ye gets up and asks, "Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, or root beer?"

"Sprite," Frankie answers.

Ye goes to the front of the multiplex. Ye gets a large bucket of popcorn and dispenses some Sprite in a large cup, he comes back to the movie theater. Ye hands the popcorn and soda to Frankie.

Frankie Dudley smiles, takes them, and says, "Thank you."

"It's nothing, Miss..." Ye starts.

"I'm Frankie Dudley," Frankie responds.

Ye says, "Nice meeting you, Miss Dudley."

Frankie says, "I'm happy to meet you too, Ye."

Ye responds, "My luck has been bad but I'm glad I've met you, Miss Dudley."

Ye gives a charming smile.

"Tell me about yourself," Frankie says.

Ye responds, "Well I had a wrestling scholarship at University of Aster City, I went 46-0 and 45-0 in my two years. I was an English creative writing major. And I like drawing, making music. And now I work at a theater that's basically empty. "

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