The Dawn(Path 1)

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+*Some info about Path 1 Y/N. You are an angel, with few memories of being a demon, the only thing reminding you are the small horns. You own a sword, which can't kill humans, but other beings are harmed by it. also your yandere so fun*+

Demons. Are. The. Worst.  Especially the demon gods. Like, who decided that an impure being could be a god? It all started when the demon council decided to launch a war on the Angel Realm, or that's what I was told. The demon council decided that I was too angel like to be a demon, so they banished me. My friends and family weren't too happy, so they convinced the new demon council (it rotates every month or so) to launch a war on the Angel Realm. Everyone in the Mortal Realm had to deal with the damage and eventually, the gods noticed how bad it was getting and forced everyone to make amends with each other. And now there is some weird exchange student problem going on. And guess who's attending. Me. (Y/N) (L/N). 

(December 18, 202X)
First day. This is kinda a yearly thing so the term ends next year, around this day if we're all lucky.

Wings... Hidden. I guess.  You can't really hide an 8 foot wingspan under some normal clothes. But I guess we're all special in our own way since they (the gods) decided "Hey lets add normies to the mix."

Hair...ehhhh could care less.

Sword? Of course I'm bringing my sword to school. It can't hurt the normies. And plus. Who knows what kind of sick things other people could do to me. Especially when I'm this hot..? Yeah no definitely bringing my sword to school.

Breakfast... uh well... Look at clock- 6:50-!?!?! Nope. Gotta skip out on that today.

*They ran out the door. And dashed to school. Hope's peak academy.* 

I made it in time! For real thought I wasn't gonna have time. Anyways. Time for the daily "looting".

*They slammed a few kids against their lockers, demanding for their lunch money, getting them all to give them a reasonable amount of cash. Until they came upon two kids, a......... uhm........ it was hard to tell. One had their blond hair up in a ponytail and the other one had short but straight hair- and rainbow hair dye? An interesting bunch to say the least. The one with the pony tail was taller than the other one. Like.. very tall. Like 6'4" tall.* 

"Stop fucking having good taste." The shorter one whined. An easy loot for sure.

The taller one simply responded with "No" getting the shorter one to respond by telling him to shove a marker up his urethra.. At least we know the taller one is male.. I guess.

"Well then go attack amazon for me." They said. Why are these "insults" so.... creative?

The taller one responded by ruffling the shorter's hair and saying "Gotta go raindrop. See you soon." and walking off. Probably to his class.

*They approached the kid, with a list of... assorted questions to say the least.*

"Whose that?" *They spoke with a semi-demanding tone.*

"I dunno. Who are you?" *The kid replied, glaring at Y/N.*

"None of your business." *They glared back*

*They just flipped Y/N off and walked off, definitely to their class.*

"Hey!? Who said you could leave?" *Y/N stormed after, hopefully going to catch up to them. After all, they hadn't looted the kid down to the underwear off of their legs.*

*Y/N spread their wings and smacked them in the back of the head.* "Who said walk away?!"

*The kid just flipped them off again, and ducked into a nearby classroom. Y/N tried to follow them in the classroom, but was stopped by a small line of salt, sealing the classroom in a spiritual barrier. A human only classroom. There were spots like this around the school, to keep the demons from attacking the humans, or if they were under attack. A human only bathroom, a human only cafeteria, a human only gym, with normal height basketball rims and such, the list goes on.* 

*Y/N pounded on the barrier that the line of salt created, angrily smacking it in hopes that the barrier would crumble under their will. The bell rang, saving the kid this time from the wrath of an angry angel.* 

*Y/N stormed towards their classroom, A-D-H-734. A-D-H was the marking for combination rooms, combining angels and demons. A-D-H rooms, combined angels, demons, and humans in one classroom. If it sounds like hell, it was to Y/N. Their teacher was a rather busty demon, hissing at the kids who came late to the class, if even by a singular second. The kid from before sat there, next to Y/N's assigned seat. 

"How cliché is that." Y/N thought to themselves. "The kid in school I'm interested in, happens to be free game, since he's sitting right next to me. Just need to get 'raindrop' out of the way. Pesky little bitch."  *Y/N snapped themselves out of their thoughts, and looked back at the person sitting in the chair, analyzing the way he sat, to try to determine his personality type, to see if he would bend easily to them*

*He sat straight up, if there was an imperfection in his posture, he corrected himself instantly, even the slightest mistakes in the way he sat, ones that Y/N could barely see.*

"A stronger one to break, a good bold, formal personality type. But all twigs can snap. Even the strong ones." *Y/N chuckled, sinister plans forming in their head already.*

*Y/N threw their bag down near his chair, almost pushing it, but being stopped by some invisible force, like god had came down and stopped their bag from pushing his chair. They plopped down heavily in the chair, slowly turning to the person next to them*

"Hey. Hit me up later?"

*He stayed silent, but he acknowledged that you were there by tapping his finger on the table, and glancing at Y/N slightly.*

*They sighed and turned their head back.* "I'll try a different approach."

"Hey? Hellooo? You in there?" *They waved their wing in front of his face, making him jolt backwards.*

"Yeah. I'll get to you after class. I'm busy." *He responded, turning his head so you could see one of his eyes, which was looking directly at them.  A cold, blue gaze. In his gaze was a cold, unloving stare.*

"What-? But I wanted to know why-" *The class had begun, and the teacher shushed Y/N.* "Great. A whole hour  and a half with this guy,  and I barely know his name and why he's in the Angel-Demon exchange program."  *They crossed their arms, and began to focus on the class at hand.*


literally nothing other than sorry if this seemed rushed, I wanted to get to my 1000 word minimum and I was losing energy, plus i wanted to finish this chapter before my friend saw it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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